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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 111
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319663906.pdf.jpg2017Ethical Dimensions of Islamic FinanceIqbal, Zamir ;
9783319621937.pdf.jpg2017Cultural distance in international ventures :Vaccarini, Katiuscia, ; author ;; Spigarelli, Francesca, ; author ;; Tavoletti, Ernesto, ; author ;; Lattemann, Christoph, ; 1970- ; author ;
9783319552606.pdf.jpg2017Social Impact Funds :Chiappini, Helen, ; author ;
9783319532462.pdf.jpg2017The wealth of virtual nations :Crowley, Adam, ; author ;
9783319548852.pdf.jpg2017Contemporary trends and challenges in finance :Jajuga, Krzysztof, ; author ;; Orlowski, Lucjan T., ; author ;; Staehr, Karsten, ; author ;
9783319575926.pdf.jpg2017Risk culture in banking /Carretta, Alessandro, ; author ;; Fiordelisi, Franco, ; 1972- ; author ;; Schwizer, Paola, ; author ;
9783319592473.pdf.jpg2017Monetary integration in EuropeTomann, Horst ;
9783319639253.pdf.jpg2017Chinese Banking Reform : From the Pre-WTO Period to the Financial Crisis and BeyondJiang, Chunxia ;
9783319503134.pdf.jpg2017Non-Performing Loans and Resolving Private Sector InsolvencyMonokroussos, Platon ;
9783319621111.pdf.jpg2017Microfinance for Entrepreneurial DevelopmentCumming, Douglas ;
9783319697994.pdf.jpg2017Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation-
9783319525181.pdf.jpg2017Towards a new international monetary order /Byttebier, K. ; (Koen) ;
9783319712130.pdf.jpg2018Payday Lending in Canada in a Global ContextBuckland, Jerry. ; editor. ;; Robinson, Chris. ; editor. ;; Spotton Visano, Brenda. ; editor. ;
9783319665566.pdf.jpg2017Impact investing :Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang, ; author ;; Scheck, Barbara, ; author ;
9783319550176.pdf.jpg2017Financial literacy education :Zokaityte, Asta, ; author ;
9783319683331.pdf.jpg2017Growth-linked securities /Williamson, John, ; author ;
9783319747125.pdf.jpg2018Technology and the Insurance IndustryCappiello, Antonella. ; author. ;
9783319529479.pdf.jpg2017Financial innovation and engineering in Islamic financeAlamad, Samir. ;
9783319610399.pdf.jpg2017Ethics in quantitative finance :Johnson, Timothy E., ; author ;
9783319608914.pdf.jpg2017Global perspectives on the Bretton Woods Conference and the post-War World order /Scott-Smith, Giles, ; 1968- ; editor ;; Rofe, J. Simon, ; editor ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 111
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