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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 501 to 520 of 734
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319748801.pdf.jpg2019Knowledge, innovation and sustainable development in organizations :-
9789811084294.pdf.jpg2018Chinese Consumers and the Fashion MarketXu, Yingjiao. ; editor. ;; Chi, Ting. ; editor. ;; Su, Jin. ; editor. ;
9783319662152.pdf.jpg2018The Global Debt Crisis and Its Socioeconomic ImplicationsRabi Muhammad Abdalaziz. ; author. ;
9783319741291.pdf.jpg2018Emerging Issues in Global MarketingAgarwal, James. ; editor. ;; Wu, Terry. ; editor. ;
9789811053238.pdf.jpg2018Social Media MarketingHeggde, Githa, ; editor. ;; Shainesh, G., ; editor. ;
9783319507453.pdf.jpg2017Bright modernity :Blaszczyk, Regina Lee, ; editor of compilation ;; Spiekermann, Uwe, ; editor of compilation ;
9789811074370.pdf.jpg2018Economic Analysis of Industrial AgglomerationWang, Jian. ; author. ;
9783319609676.pdf.jpg2018Design Thinking ResearchPlattner, Hasso. ; editor. ;; Meinel, Christoph. ; editor. ;; Leifer, Larry. ; editor. ;
9783319713748.pdf.jpg2018Pop-up RetailingWarnaby, Gary. ; author. ;; Shi, Charlotte. ; author. ;
9783319667218.pdf.jpg2018The China-Latin America AxisFornes, Gaston. ; author. ;; Mendez, Alvaro. ; author. ;
9781137523495.pdf.jpg2018Product Innovation in the Global Fashion IndustryJin, Byoungho. ; editor. ;; Cedrola, Elena. ; editor. ;
9783319515892.pdf.jpg2017Identity, meaning, and subjectivity in career developmentGedro, Julie. ;
9783319719856.pdf.jpg2018Vintage Luxury FashionRyding, Daniella. ; editor. ;; Henninger, Claudia E. ; editor. ;; Blazquez Cano, Marta. ; editor. ;
9789811032127.pdf.jpg2018Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Accountability Reporting SystemsÇalıyurt, Kıymet Tunca. ; editor. ;; Said, Roshima. ; editor. ;
9783319613857.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Global MarketingLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; editor. ;; Katsikeas, Constantine S. ; editor. ;; Samiee, Saeed. ; editor. ;; Aykol, Bilge. ; editor. ;
9783658206727.pdf.jpg2018Signaling Family Firm IdentityWolf, Sandra. ; author. ;
9781137378798.pdf.jpg2017Analytics, Innovation, and Excellence-Driven Enterprise SustainabilityCarayannis, Elias G ;; Sindakis, Stavros ;
9783319741734.pdf.jpg2018Modernizing the Academic Teaching and Research EnvironmentMarx Gómez, Jorge. ; editor. ;; Mouselli, Sulaiman. ; editor. ;
9783658197643.pdf.jpg2018The Corporate Reputation of Multinational CorporationsHuber, Cathrin. ; author. ;
9789811066085.pdf.jpg2018Transatlantic transitions :Hussain, Imtiaz, ; author. ;; North Atlantic Region ; Commerce. ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 501 to 520 of 734
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