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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 481 to 500 of 734
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783030104627.pdf.jpg2019Uncertainty management with fuzzy and rough sets.-
9783030107338.pdf.jpg2019Market-value pricing :Steinhardt, Gabriel. ;
9783030040338.pdf.jpg2019Quakers, business and corporate responsibility /-
9783030040086.pdf.jpg2019Invitations to tender for facility management services.-
9783319625485.pdf.jpg2018WELL-BEINGJohnson, Sheena. ; author. ;; Robertson, Ivan. ; author. ;; Cooper, Cary L. ; author. ;
9789811079832.pdf.jpg2018Investing in China and Chinese Investment AbroadZhang, Xiuping. ; author. ;; Corrie, Bruce P. ; author. ;
9783030041007.pdf.jpg2019German family enterprises :-
9783030116408.pdf.jpg2019Business Process Management Workshops.-
9783030043087.pdf.jpg2019Taxation, politics, and protest in Ireland, 1662-2016 /Kanter, Douglas. ;
9783030118082.pdf.jpg2019Integrating business process models and rules.-
9783319675725.pdf.jpg2019Bhagavad Gita and leadership :Dhiman, Satinder. ;
9783030043506.pdf.jpg2019The honorable merchant - between modesty and risk-taking :Lutge, Christoph. ;
9783319633695.pdf.jpg2018Solutions for Business, Culture and Religion in Eastern Europe and BeyondVaduva, Sebastian. ; editor. ;; Fotea, Ioan S. ; editor. ;; Thomas, Andrew R. ; editor. ;
9789811071737.pdf.jpg2018The Case Writer’s ToolkitGwee, June. ; author. ;
9783030050078.pdf.jpg2019Consumer behavior over the life course :-
9783030052904.pdf.jpg2019Container handling in automated yard blocks /-
9783319734873.pdf.jpg2019Sustainable manufacturing and remanufacturing management.-
9783030054229.pdf.jpg2019Integrated community-managed development.-
9783319702209.pdf.jpg2018Contemporary Issues in International BusinessCastellani, Davide. ; editor. ;; Narula, Rajneesh. ; editor. ;; Nguyen, Quyen T. K. ; editor. ;; Surdu, Irina. ; editor. ;; Walker, James T. ; editor. ;
9789811085277.pdf.jpg2018Data Science and AnalyticsPanda, Brajendra. ; editor. ;; Sharma, Sudeep. ; editor. ;; Roy, Nihar Ranjan. ; editor. ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 481 to 500 of 734
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