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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319752389.pdf.jpg2018Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain InjuriesCrimi, Alessandro. ; editor. ;; Bakas, Spyridon. ; editor. ;; Kuijf, Hugo. ; editor. ;; Menze, Bjoern. ; editor. ;; Reyes, Mauricio. ; editor. ;
9789811085307.pdf.jpg2018Internet Multimedia Computing and ServiceHuet, Benoit. ; editor. ;; Nie, Liqiang. ; editor. ;; Hong, Richang. ; editor. ;
9783319755410.pdf.jpg2018Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. ACDC and MMWHS ChallengesPop, Mihaela. ; editor. ;; Sermesant, Maxime. ; editor. ;; Jodoin, Pierre-Marc. ; editor. ;; Lalande, Alain. ; editor. ;; Zhuang, Xiahai. ; editor. ;; Yang, Guang. ; editor. ;; Young, Alistair. ; editor. ;; Bernard, Olivier. ; editor. ;
9783662566893.pdf.jpg2018Transactions on Edutainment XIVPan, Zhigeng. ; editor. ;; Cheok, Adrian David. ; editor. ;; Müller, Wolfgang. ; editor. ;
9783319762555.pdf.jpg2018Equipment Selection for Mining: With Case StudiesBurt, Christina N. ; author. ;; Caccetta, Louis. ; author. ;
9783319590509.pdf.jpg2017Information Processing in Medical ImagingNiethammer, Marc. ;; Styner, Martin. ;; Aylward, Stephen. ;; Zhu, Hongtu. ;; Oguz, Ipek. ;; Yap, Pew-Thian. ;; Shen, Dinggang. ;
9783319572406.pdf.jpg2017Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image ProcessingAngulo, Jesees. ;; Velasco-Forero, Santiago. ;; Meyer, Fernand. ;
9783319742250.pdf.jpg2018Dynamics in LogisticsFreitag, Michael. ; editor. ;; Kotzab, Herbert. ; editor. ;; Pannek, Jergen. ; editor. ;
9783319734590.pdf.jpg2018Informatics in EconomySilaghi, Gheorghe Cosmin. ;; Buchmann, Robert Andrei. ;; Boja, Catalin. ;
9789811079627.pdf.jpg2018Permanent Magnet Spherical MotorsBai, Kun. ; author. ;; Lee, Kok-Meng. ; author. ;