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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 939
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319716671.pdf.jpg2017Progress in Cryptology -- INDOCRYPT 2017 :International Conference in Cryptology in India ; (18th : ; 2017 : ; Chennai, India) ;; Patra, Arpita. ; editor ;; Smart, Nigel P. ; editor ;
9783319574639.pdf.jpg2017Intelligence and Security InformaticsWang, G. Alan. ;; Chau, Michael. ;; Chen, Hsinchun. ;
9783319597737.pdf.jpg2017Biomedical Applications Based on Natural and Artificial ComputingFerreendez Vicente, Jose Manuel. ;; eelvarez-Seenchez, Jose Ramen. ;; de la Paz Lepez, Felix. ;; Toledo Moreo, Javier. ;; Adeli, Hojjat. ;
9783319662848.pdf.jpg2017Computer safety, reliability, and security :SAFECOMP (Conference) ; (36th : ; 2017 : ; Trento, Italy) ;; International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-Intensive Systems ; (4th : ; 2017 : ; Trento, Italy), ; jointly held conference ;; DECSoS (Workshop) ; (2017 : ; Trento, Italy), ; jointly; Tonetta, Stefano, ; editor ;; Schoitsch, Erwin, ; editor ;; Bitsch, Friedemann, ; editor ;
9783319669175.pdf.jpg2017Advances in databases and information systems :ADBIS (Conference) ; (21st : ; 2017 : ; Nicosia, Cyprus) ;; Kirikova, Marite, ; editor ;; Nerveg, Kjetil, ; editor ;; Papadopoulos, George A., ; 1960- ; editor ;
9783319674506.pdf.jpg2017Guide to Digital ForensicsKevrestad, Joakim. ; author ;
9789811054211.pdf.jpg2017Applications and Techniques in Information SecurityBatten, Lynn. ;; Kim, Dong Seong. ;; Zhang, Xuyun. ;; Li, Gang. ;
9783319671628.pdf.jpg2017New trends in databases and information systems :ADBIS (Conference) ; (21st : ; 2017 : ; Nicosia, Cyprus) ;; AMSD (Workshop) ; (1st : ; 2017 : ; Nicosia, Cyprus), ; jointly held conference ;; BigNovelTI (Workshop) ; (1st : ; 2017 : ; Nicosia, Cyprus), ; jointly held conference ;; DAS (Workshop) ; (1st :; Kirikova, Marite, ; editor ;; Nerveg, Kjetil, ; editor ;; Papadopoulos, George A., ; 1960- ; editor ;; Gamper, Johann, ; editor ;; Wrembel, Robert, ; editor ;; Darmont, Jereme, ; 1972- ; editor ;; Rizzi, Stefano, ; editor ;
9783319584690.pdf.jpg2017ICT Systems Security and Privacy ProtectionDe Capitani di Vimercati, Sabrina. ;; Martinelli, Fabio. ;
9783319700045.pdf.jpg2017Future data and security engineering :FDSE (Conference) ; (4th : ; 2017 : ; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) ;; Dang, Tran Khanh, ; editor ;; Wagner, Roland R., ; editor ;; Keng, Josef, ; 1962- ; editor ;; Thoai, Nam, ; editor ;; Takizawa, Makoto, ; editor ;; Neuhold, Erich J., ; editor ;
9783319598796.pdf.jpg2017Post-Quantum CryptographyLange, Tanja. ;; Takagi, Tsuyoshi. ;
9783319692845.pdf.jpg2017Innovative security solutions for information technology and communications :International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications ; (10th : ; 2017 : ; Bucharest, Romania) ;; Farshim, Pooya, ; editor ;; Simion, Emil ; (Associate professor), ; editor ;
9783319747309.pdf.jpg2018Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations-
9783319651514.pdf.jpg2017Collaboration in a Data-Rich World :IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises : ; (18th : ; 2017 : ; Vicenza, Italy) ;; Camarinha-Matos, Luis M. ; editor ;; Afsarmanesh, Hamideh. ; editor ;; Fornasiero, Rosanna. ; editor ;
9783319680637.pdf.jpg2017Security and trust management :STM (Conference) ; (13th : ; 2017 : ; Oslo, Norway) ;; Livraga, Giovanni, ; editor ;; Mitchell, Chris, ; editor ;
9783319663999.pdf.jpg2017Computer security -- ESORICS 2017 :European Symposium on Research in Computer Security ; (22nd : ; 2017 : ; Oslo, Norway) ;; Foley, Simon N. ; editor ;; Gollmann, Dieter, ; editor ;; Snekkenes, Einar, ; 1961- ; editor ;
9783319706979.pdf.jpg2017Advances in cryptology -- ASIACRYPT 2017 :International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security ; (23rd : ; 2017 : ; Hong Kong, China) ;; Takagi, Tsuyoshi ; (Mathematician), ; editor ;; Peyrin, Thomas, ; editor ;
9783662559475.pdf.jpg2017Transactions on large-scale data- and knowledge-centered systems XXXIV :Hameurlain, Abdelkader, ; editor ;; Keng, Josef, ; 1962- ; editor ;; Wagner, Roland, ; editor ;; Decker, Hendrik, ; editor ;
9783319584607.pdf.jpg2017Human aspects of information security, privacy and trust :HAS (Conference) ; (5th : ; 2017 : ; Vancouver, B.C.) ;; International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ; (19th : ; 2017 : ; Vancouver, B.C.), ; jointly held conference ;; Tryfonas, Theodore, ; editor ;
9783319610610.pdf.jpg2017Human Mental Workload: Models and ApplicationsLongo, Luca. ;; Leva, M. Chiara. ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 939
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