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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 939
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319664026.pdf.jpg2017Computer Security - ESORICS 2017 :European Symposium on Research in Computer Security ; (22nd : ; 2017 : ; Oslo, Norway), ; author ;; Foley, Simon N., ; editor ;; Gollmann, Dieter, ; editor ;; Snekkenes, Einar, ; editor ;
9783319587417.pdf.jpg2017Unveiling Dynamics and ComplexityKari, Jarkko. ;; Manea, Florin. ;; Petre, Ion. ;
9783319710457.pdf.jpg2017Cryptography and coding :IMA International Conference ; (16th : ; 2017 : ; Oxford, England) ;; O'Neill, Meeire, ; editor ;
9783319675220.pdf.jpg2017Compilation for secure multi-party computationBescher, Niklas ;; Katzenbeisser, Stefan ;
9783319576992.pdf.jpg2017Medical image watermarkingSingh, Amit Kumar ;; Kumar, Basant ;; Singh, Ghanshyam ;; Mohan, Anand ;
9783319686370.pdf.jpg2017Provable security :ProvSec (Conference) ; (11th : ; 2017 : ; Xi'an Shi, China) ;; Okamoto, Tatsuaki, ; editor ;; Yu, Yong, ; editor ;; Au, Man-Ho, ; editor ;; Li, Yannan, ; editor ;
9781484221495.pdf.jpg2018Complete Guide to Open Source Big Data Stack / by Michael Frampton.Frampton, Michael. author. ;
9783319681559.pdf.jpg2017Databases theory and applications :Australasian Database Conference ; (28th : ; 2017 : ; Brisbane, Qld.) ;; Huang, Zi, ; editor ;; Xiao, Xiaokui, ; editor ;; Cao, Xin, ; editor ;
9783319647012.pdf.jpg2017Network and System SecurityYan, Zheng. ; editor ;; Molva, Refik. ; editor ;; Mazurczyk, Wojciech. ; editor ;; Kantola, Raimo. ; editor ;
9783319596082.pdf.jpg2017Security and Privacy in Communication NetworksDeng, Robert H. ;; Weng, Jian. ;; Ren, Kui. ;; Yegneswaran, Vinod. ;
9783319567938.pdf.jpg2017Fraud Prevention in Online Digital AdvertisingZhu, Xingquan. ;; Tao, Haicheng. ;; Wu, Zhiang. ;; Cao, Jie. ;; Kalish, Kristopher. ;; Kayne, Jeremy. ;
9783319705002.pdf.jpg2017Theory of cryptography :Theory of Cryptography Conference ; (15th : ; 2017 : ; Baltimore, Md.) ;; Kalai, Yael, ; editor ;; Reyzin, Leonid, ; editor ;
9783319573397.pdf.jpg2017Progress in Cryptology - AFRICACRYPT 2017Joye, Marc. ;; Nitaj, Abderrahmane. ;
9783319672809.pdf.jpg2017Privacy technologies and policy :Annual Privacy Forum ; (5th : ; 2017 : ; Vienna, Austria) ;; Schweighofer, Erich, ; editor ;; Leitold, Herbert, ; 1965- ; editor ;; Mitrakas, Andreas, ; editor ;; Rannenberg, Kai, ; editor ;
9783319694719.pdf.jpg2017Cyberspace safety and security :International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security ; (9th : ; 2017 : ; Xi'an Shi, China) ;; Wen, Sheng, ; editor ;; Wu, Wei, ; editor ;; Castiglione, Aniello, ; editor ;
9783319598703.pdf.jpg2017Information Security and PrivacyPieprzyk, Josef. ;; Suriadi, Suriadi. ;
9783319651279.pdf.jpg2017Computer network security :International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security ; (7th : ; 2017 : ; Warsaw, Poland) ;; Rak, Jacek, ; editor ;; Bay, John, ; editor ;; Kotenko, Igor, ; editor ;; Popyack, Leonard J., ; 1963- ; editor ;; Skormin, Victor A., ; 1946- ; editor ;; Szczypiorski, Krzysztof, ; 1949- ; editor ;
9783319608761.pdf.jpg2017Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability AssessmentPolychronakis, Michalis. ;; Meier, Michael. ;
9783319667874.pdf.jpg2017Cryptographic hardware and embedded systems -- CHES 2017 :CHES (Workshop) ; (19th : ; 2017 : ; Taipei, Taiwan) ;; Fischer, Wieland, ; editor ;; Homma, Naofumi, ; editor ;
9783319678160.pdf.jpg2017Data privacy management, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :DPM (Workshop) ; (12th : ; 2017 : ; Oslo, Norway) ;; CBT (Workshop) ; (1st : ; 2017 : ; Oslo, Norway), ; jointly held conference ;; European Symposium on Research in Computer Security ; (2017 : ; Oslo, Norway), ; jointly held conference ;; Garcia-Alfaro, Joaquin, ; editor ;; Navarro-Arribas, Guillermo, ; editor ;; Hartenstein, Hannes, ; editor ;; Herrera Joancomarte, Jordi, ; editor ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 939
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