جهت دسترسی به کاربرگه ی زیر، از این لینک استفاده کنید. http://localhost/handle/Hannan/4797
عنوان: Blockchain-based Payment Systems Targeting Small Business Activation and Donation Purposes
پدیدآورنده: Soheil Safara;Davood Sajedi Hajati
کلید واژه ها: Blockchain ، Payment systems ، Smart Contract ، Entrepreneur ، Charitable donations
تاریخ انتشار: 1401
چکیده: Involving reliable, trustworthy, and transparent features of blockchain technology in payment systems are an indispensable criterion for boosting businesses and increasing the efficacy of different processes. In this regard, our paper provides a non-trivial study of embedding blockchain technology into the payment systems of initiating a small business as well as donating procedures in disaster-based applications. To do so, current standard instructions for both cases are first analyzed. Then, the drawbacks of the current payment system in these applications are elaborated. Next, it is demonstrated how the proposed blockchain framework evolves the traditional payment systems and flourishes the previous business process of corresponding cases. Using graphical and pseudo-code-based representation, the underlying mechanism of the smart contracts associated with blockchain technology is also highlighted. The contributive framework that is described in this paper can considerably be useful to promote the application of the donation system particularly when it comes to urgent circumstances.
آدرس: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/4797
مجموعه(های):مدیریت ‍‍‍‍پروژه و ساخت

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مشاهده فایل
عنوان: Blockchain-based Payment Systems Targeting Small Business Activation and Donation Purposes
پدیدآورنده: Soheil Safara;Davood Sajedi Hajati
کلید واژه ها: Blockchain ، Payment systems ، Smart Contract ، Entrepreneur ، Charitable donations
تاریخ انتشار: 1401
چکیده: Involving reliable, trustworthy, and transparent features of blockchain technology in payment systems are an indispensable criterion for boosting businesses and increasing the efficacy of different processes. In this regard, our paper provides a non-trivial study of embedding blockchain technology into the payment systems of initiating a small business as well as donating procedures in disaster-based applications. To do so, current standard instructions for both cases are first analyzed. Then, the drawbacks of the current payment system in these applications are elaborated. Next, it is demonstrated how the proposed blockchain framework evolves the traditional payment systems and flourishes the previous business process of corresponding cases. Using graphical and pseudo-code-based representation, the underlying mechanism of the smart contracts associated with blockchain technology is also highlighted. The contributive framework that is described in this paper can considerably be useful to promote the application of the donation system particularly when it comes to urgent circumstances.
آدرس: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/4797
مجموعه(های):مدیریت ‍‍‍‍پروژه و ساخت

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فایل توضیحات اندازهفرمت  
204.pdf871.56 kBAdobe PDFتصویر
مشاهده فایل
عنوان: Blockchain-based Payment Systems Targeting Small Business Activation and Donation Purposes
پدیدآورنده: Soheil Safara;Davood Sajedi Hajati
کلید واژه ها: Blockchain ، Payment systems ، Smart Contract ، Entrepreneur ، Charitable donations
تاریخ انتشار: 1401
چکیده: Involving reliable, trustworthy, and transparent features of blockchain technology in payment systems are an indispensable criterion for boosting businesses and increasing the efficacy of different processes. In this regard, our paper provides a non-trivial study of embedding blockchain technology into the payment systems of initiating a small business as well as donating procedures in disaster-based applications. To do so, current standard instructions for both cases are first analyzed. Then, the drawbacks of the current payment system in these applications are elaborated. Next, it is demonstrated how the proposed blockchain framework evolves the traditional payment systems and flourishes the previous business process of corresponding cases. Using graphical and pseudo-code-based representation, the underlying mechanism of the smart contracts associated with blockchain technology is also highlighted. The contributive framework that is described in this paper can considerably be useful to promote the application of the donation system particularly when it comes to urgent circumstances.
آدرس: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/4797
مجموعه(های):مدیریت ‍‍‍‍پروژه و ساخت

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204.pdf871.56 kBAdobe PDFتصویر
مشاهده فایل