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Title: Users' Information Technology Knowledge and the Fault Rate of Industrial Computer
Authors: Alireza Jahani;Mahdi Hamzehloo
subject: knowledge ، information technology ، fault rate ، industrial computer
Year: 1400
Abstract: This study aims to find the fault rate of industrial computers with the users’ knowledge of information technology due to the importance of information technology and its widespread use in all fields as well as industries. This is important because the use of such systems are highly sensitive in industries such as aerospace, the Ministry of Defense as well as manufacturing and industrial plants. Investigating and rooting the fault rate of such systems saves time and reduces damage and waste of resources, which is always one of the main priorities of the industry. The researchers recommended that users’ knowledge of industrial computer is extremely important to reduce the fault rate of these machines
URI: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/4208
Appears in Collections:مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات

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Title: Users' Information Technology Knowledge and the Fault Rate of Industrial Computer
Authors: Alireza Jahani;Mahdi Hamzehloo
subject: knowledge ، information technology ، fault rate ، industrial computer
Year: 1400
Abstract: This study aims to find the fault rate of industrial computers with the users’ knowledge of information technology due to the importance of information technology and its widespread use in all fields as well as industries. This is important because the use of such systems are highly sensitive in industries such as aerospace, the Ministry of Defense as well as manufacturing and industrial plants. Investigating and rooting the fault rate of such systems saves time and reduces damage and waste of resources, which is always one of the main priorities of the industry. The researchers recommended that users’ knowledge of industrial computer is extremely important to reduce the fault rate of these machines
URI: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/4208
Appears in Collections:مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات

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Title: Users' Information Technology Knowledge and the Fault Rate of Industrial Computer
Authors: Alireza Jahani;Mahdi Hamzehloo
subject: knowledge ، information technology ، fault rate ، industrial computer
Year: 1400
Abstract: This study aims to find the fault rate of industrial computers with the users’ knowledge of information technology due to the importance of information technology and its widespread use in all fields as well as industries. This is important because the use of such systems are highly sensitive in industries such as aerospace, the Ministry of Defense as well as manufacturing and industrial plants. Investigating and rooting the fault rate of such systems saves time and reduces damage and waste of resources, which is always one of the main priorities of the industry. The researchers recommended that users’ knowledge of industrial computer is extremely important to reduce the fault rate of these machines
URI: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/4208
Appears in Collections:مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات

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