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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 734
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9780815374558.pdf.jpg2018Increasing Management Relevance and Competitiveness: Proceedings of the 2nd Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GC-BME 2017), August 9, 2017, Universitas Airlangga, SurabayHurriyati, Ratih ;; Setianto, Rahmat Heru ;; Nandiyanto, Asep Bayu ;; Abdullah, Ade Gafar ;; Arina, Nidya Ayu. ;; Sukoco, Ba Munir ;
9783319581033.pdf.jpg2017Public opinion on economic globalization :White, Roger, ; 1967- ; author ;
9781138104396.pdf.jpg2018Leading courageously with lean management :Kumar, Sumeet, ; 1971- ; author. ;
9781119484714.pdf.jpg2018The Bullseye Principle: Mastering Intention-Based Communication to Collaborate, Execute, and SucceedLewis, David H. ;; Mills, G. Riley ;
9780730359265.pdf.jpg2018101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2018-2019Raftery, Adrian ;
9781119462224.pdf.jpg2018Optimizing Growth: Predictive and Profitable Strategies to Understand Demand and Outsmart Your CompetitorsGreen, Jason ;; Antov, Dimitar ;; Henneman, Mark ;
9780749483074.pdf.jpg2018Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk ManagementHopkin, Paul ;
9781119512394.pdf.jpg2018Advanced Tax Strategies for LLCs and PartnershipsTunnell. ;
9781400201945.pdf.jpg2018The fun formula :Comm, Joel, ; author. ;
9783030015022.pdf.jpg2019Indigenous organization studies :Love, Tyron Rakeiora. ;
9780062672674.pdf.jpg2018Invested :OverDrive, Inc., ; distributor. ;; Town, Danielle, ; author. ;; Town, Phil, ; author. ;
9781119484783.pdf.jpg2018"Creating mindful leaders : how to power down, power up, and power forward"Burton, Joseph ;
9789811017599.pdf.jpg2017Theorizing international tradeMathur, Somesh Kumar ;; Arora, Rahul ;; Singh, Sarbjit ;
9781119473411.pdf.jpg2018Inbound selling : how to change the way you sell to match how people buySignorelli, Brian ;
9780273740445.pdf.jpg2018Operations strategySlack, Nigel ;; Lewis, Michael, ; 1969- ; 340687 ;
9789811059605.pdf.jpg2017Theory and practice of export control :Tamada, Dai, ; 1974- ; editor ;; Achilleas, Philippe, ; editor ;
9781138564763.pdf.jpg2018A Holistic Approach to Lessons Learned: How Organizations Can Benefit From Their Own KnowledgeLevy, Moria ;
9781119476153.pdf.jpg2018Detonate : why -- and how -- corporations must blow up best practices (and bring a beginner's mind) to surviveTuff, Geoff ;
9780730324218.pdf.jpg2018Barefoot Investor : The Only Money Guide You'll Ever NeedPape, Scott ;
9781138056046.pdf.jpg2018Formulation SimplifiedAnderson, Mark J. ;; Bezener, Martin A. ;; Whitcomb, Patrick J. ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 734
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