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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 734
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319746111.pdf.jpg2018Practitioner's Guide to Wage LitigationHanvey, Chester. ;
9781526429261.pdf.jpg2018The SAGE handbook of qualitative business and management research methods /Cassell, Catherine, ; editor ;; Cunliffe, Ann L., ; editor ;; Grandy, Gina, ; editor ;
9781501143311.pdf.jpg2018Bullshit jobs /Graeber, David, ; author. ; no97027235. ;
9781138059412.pdf.jpg2018Toyota's global marketing strategy :Hibino, Sheezee, ; 1940- ; author. ; n85050657. ;; Noguchi, Koichiro, ; author. ;; Plenert, Gerhard Johannes, ; author. ; n88252703. ;
9783319909103.pdf.jpg2018Consumer PsychologyYoung, Brian M. ;
9781119473459.pdf.jpg2018Exactly how to sell :Jones, Phil M., ; 1981- ; author ;
9781119477389.pdf.jpg2018Objections! :Blount, Jeb, ; author ;
9783319897905.pdf.jpg2018Meaningful Work: Viktor Frankl's Legacy for the 21st Centuryvon Devivere, Beate. ;
9781119414575.pdf.jpg2018Profit from your forecasting softwareGoodwin, Paul. ;
9789813234703.pdf.jpg2018Marketing manipulation :Kamins, Michael A. ;
9781464812156.pdf.jpg2018The WEB of Transport Corridors in South AsiaWorld Bank ;; UKAID ;; JICA ;; Asian Development Bank ;
9780415790086.pdf.jpg2018Young consumer behaviourGbadamosi, Ayantunji. ;
9781569906392.pdf.jpg2018Leadership and Management of MachiningTarvin, Patrick. ;
9781138695160.pdf.jpg2018The Routledge companion to consumer behavior /Solomon, Michael R., ; editor ;; Lowrey, Tina M., ; editor ;
9783319750132.pdf.jpg2018Emerging Markets from a Multidisciplinary PerspectiveDwivedi, Yogesh K. ; editor. ;; Rana, Nripendra P. ; editor. ;; Slade, Emma L. ; editor. ;; Shareef, Mahmud A. ; editor. ;; Clement, Marc. ; editor. ;; Simintiras, Antonis C. ; editor. ;; Lal, Banita. ; editor. ;
9783319740089.pdf.jpg2018A different approach to work discipline :Bugdol, Marek, ; n2003096517 ; author ;
9781260134841.pdf.jpg2018Selling the hug your customers way :OverDrive, Inc., ; distributor. ;; Mitchell, Jack, ; author. ;
9788132239154.pdf.jpg2018Public Budgeting in IndiaKarnam. ;; Ghosh
9783319602547.pdf.jpg2018Highlighting the Importance of Big Data Management and Analysis for Various ApplicationsMoshirpour, Mohammad. ;; Far, Behrouz. ;; Alhajj, Reda. ;
9783319775500.pdf.jpg2018The Experience Logic as a New Perspective for Marketing ManagementPencarelli, Tonino. ; editor. ;; Forlani, Fabio. ; editor. ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 734
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