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65.pdf.jpg2019Evaluating the Effectiveness of Supply, Product, and Distribution Factors on the Organizational Performance by Using Structural Equation ModelingAbdoli Zafarghandi, Fatemeh; Mahoud, Mohammad; Hojatpanah, Shayan
66.pdf.jpg2019Integrating Three-Stages of Supply, Production and Distribution in the Product Life Cycle and Examining the Effectiveness of each of these Factors on the Organizational PerformanceAbdoli Zafarghandi, Fatemeh; Mahoud, Mohammad; Hojatpanah, Shayan; Mohseni, Mahya; Darabi, Seyed Alireza
49.pdf.jpg2019Analysis of the Barriers to the Implementation of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): A Meta-Synthesis ApproachKahvandi, Zahra; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Mahoud, Mohammad; Preece, Christopher
Exploring factors influencing students continuance intention to use the learning management system LMS a multi perspective framework.pdf.jpg2019Exploring factors influencing students’ continuance intention to use the learning management system (LMS): a multi-perspective frameworkAshrafi, Amir; Zareravasan, Ahad; Rabiee Savoji, Sogol; Amani, Masoumeh
1490-4794-1-PB.pdf.jpg2019Integrated Project Delivery Implementation Challenges in the Construction IndustryKahvandi, Zahra; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; ZareRavasan, Ahad; Preece, Christopher
TJCM_A_1686834_O1.pdf.jpg2019A practical framework to facilitate constructability implementation using the integrated project delivery approach: a case studyJadidolEslami, Samereh; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Heravi, Amirhossein; Preece, Christopher
69.pdf.jpg2019Analysis of the Barriers to the Implementation of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): A Meta-Synthesis ApproachZahra Kahvandi; Ehsan Saghatforoush; Mohammad Mahoud; Christopher Preece
70.pdf.jpg2019A Review and Classification of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Implementation Enablers. Journal of Construction in Developing CountriesZahra Kahvandi; Ehsan Saghatforoush; Ahad ZareRavasan; Marina lapaViana
164.pdf.jpg2019Application of fuzzy fault tree analysis to identify factors influencing construction labor productivity: A high-rise building case studyShahab SHOAR; Audrius BANAITIS
مقاله 14.pdf.jpg2019بررسی مناطق بحرانی و فوق بحرانی تولید ریزگرد در اطراف اهواز و راهکارهای مهار آنهانادی مهر, حسن; امین صالحی, فرناز; سید علیپور, سیده فاطمه