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2020this is text for indexthis is test
2020Exploring factors influencing students’ continuance intention to use the learning management system (LMS): a multi-perspective frameworkAmir Ashrafi; Ahad Zareravasan; Sogol Rabiee Savoji; Masoumeh Amani
66.pdf.jpg2020An Artificial Neural Network Model for Prediction of the Operational Parameters of Centrifugal Compressors: An Alternative Comparison Method for RegressionS. H. Ebrahimi; A.J. Afshari
2223-6415-1-PB.pdf.jpg2020Analysis of the Benefits of Implementation of IPD for Construction Project StakeholdersAlinezhad, Mahdi; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Kahvandi, Zahra; Preece, Christopher
1894-5763-1-PB.pdf.jpg2020A Systematic Review of Prerequisites for Constructability Implementation in Infrastructure ProjectsSamimpey, Rozita; Saghatforoush, Ehsan
COM Benefit Trend - FINAL.pdf.jpg2020Analysis of research trends on benefits of implementing constructability, operability, and maintainabilityKordestani Ghalenoee, Nazanin; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; JadidolEslami, Samereh; Preece, Christopher
72.pdf.jpg2020An FCM-Based Dynamic Modelling of Operability and Maintainability Implementation Barriers in Road Infrastructure ProjectsNazanin Kordestani Ghaleenoei; Ehsan Saghatforoush; Taha Mansouri; Ahad Zareravasan
68.pdf.jpg2020Review of the Methods for Strengthening and Retrofitting Cultural Heritage StructuresBira Wafaei Baneh; Koosha Wafaei Baneh
73.pdf.jpg2021Operability and Maintainability Obstacles: An Exploratory Factor Analysis ApproachNazanin Kordestani Ghalenoei; Ehsan Saghatforoush; Ahad Zareravasan
ISI PAPER-2020-Copy.pdf.jpg2020Techno-economic and environmental appraisal of a hybrid distributed generation system for a hospital buildingRezapour, Kambiz; Effatnejad, Reza; Amin Salehi, Farnaz; Abdollahshirazi, Alireza; Ghorbani, Mohsen