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46.pdf.jpg2017Solutions to Overcome Barriers of Implementing Constructability, Operability, and Maintainability (COM) Concepts in Infrastructure Projects: A Meta-Synthesis ApproachArbabi, Omid; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Athari Nikouravan, Hamidreza; Mahoud, Mohammad
49.pdf.jpg2019Analysis of the Barriers to the Implementation of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): A Meta-Synthesis ApproachKahvandi, Zahra; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Mahoud, Mohammad; Preece, Christopher
1490-4794-1-PB.pdf.jpg2019Integrated Project Delivery Implementation Challenges in the Construction IndustryKahvandi, Zahra; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; ZareRavasan, Ahad; Preece, Christopher
IJAOM100404 SAGHATFOROUSH_200130.pdf.jpg2018Evaluating the barriers to the presence of operation and maintenance contractors in the pre-occupancy stages of infrastructure projects: a case study of road infrastructure projectsKordestani Ghalenoee, Nazanin; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Athari Nikooravan, Hamidreza; Preece, Christopher
TJCM_A_1686834_O1.pdf.jpg2019A practical framework to facilitate constructability implementation using the integrated project delivery approach: a case studyJadidolEslami, Samereh; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Heravi, Amirhossein; Preece, Christopher
2223-6415-1-PB.pdf.jpg2020Analysis of the Benefits of Implementation of IPD for Construction Project StakeholdersAlinezhad, Mahdi; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Kahvandi, Zahra; Preece, Christopher
IPD Trend - FINAL.pdf.jpg2017Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Research TrendsKahvandi, Zahra; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Alinezhad, Mahdi; Noghli, Farimah
IPD Benefit Trend - FINAL.pdf.jpg2016ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH TRENDS ON BENEFITS OF IMPLEMENTING INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY (IPD)Kahvandi, Zahra; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Alinezhad, Mahdi; Preece, Christopher
LCJ_18_004.pdf.jpg2018An FCM-Based Dynamic Modelling of Integrated Project Delivery Implementation Challenges in Construction ProjectsKahvandi, Zahra; Saghatforoush, Ehsan; Zare Ravasan, Ahad; Mansouri, Taha