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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9781119320913.pdf.jpg2018Operating system concepts /Silberschatz, Abraham. ;; Galvin, Peter B. ;; Gagne, Greg. ;
9780134985466.pdf.jpg2018Ubuntu unleashed /Helmke, Matthew, ; author ;; Hudson, Andrew, ; 1978- ; author ;; Hudson, Paul, ; 1979- ; author ;
9783319713038.pdf.jpg2017Unraveling Software Maintenance and Evolution-
9783319710754.pdf.jpg2017Security Protocols XXV-
9783030004699.pdf.jpg2018Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and DefensesBailey, Michael. ;; Holz, Thorsten. ; (orcid)0000-0002-2783-1264 ; ;; Stamatogiannakis, Manolis. ; (orcid)0000-0002-5527-8726 ; ;; Ioannidis, Sotiris. ;
9783030003043.pdf.jpg2018Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain TechnologyGarcia-Alfaro, Joaquin. ; (orcid)0000-0002-7453-4393 ; ;; Herrera-Joancomarte, Jordi. ; (orcid)0000-0002-4935-4681 ; ;; Livraga, Giovanni. ; (orcid)0000-0003-2661-8573 ; http://or
9783319624044.pdf.jpg2017Computational science and its applications -- ICCSA 2017 :Gervasi, Osvaldo; Murgante, Beniamino; Misra, Sanjay; Borruso, Giuseppe; Torre, Carmelo Maria; Rocha, Ana Maria A. C.; Taniar, David; Apduhan, Bernady O; Stankova, E. ; (Elena), ; editor ;; Cuzzocrea, Alfredo
9783319938264.pdf.jpg2018On Graph Approaches to Contextuality and their Role in Quantum TheoryAmaral, Barbara. ;; Terra Cunha, Marcelo. ;
9783319725642.pdf.jpg2018Selected Areas in Cryptography ee SAC 2017Adams, Carlisle. ;; Camenisch, Jan. ;
9781498705479.pdf.jpg2018Big data analytics with applications in insider threat detection /Thuraisingham, Bhavani M., ; author ;; Masud, Mehedy, ; author ;; Parveen, Pallabi, ; author ;; Khan, Latifur, ; author ;