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Results 2281-2290 of 4843 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783030061609.pdf.jpg2019Communications and networking.-
9.pdf.jpg1397شناسايي و بررسي تغييرات طراحي مبتني بر سازی مدل اطلاعات ساختمانشایان حجت پناه; احد نظری; احسان فرصت کار; محمد معهود
9783319572734.pdf.jpg2017Gender diversity in the boardroom.Seierstad, Cathrine, ; editor ;; Gabalden Quieones, Patricia, ; editor ;; Mensi-Klarbach, Heike, ; editor ;
7.pdf.jpg1396امکان سنجی استقرار مدلسازی اطلاعات ساختمان ) (BIM1در شرکتهای مشاور معماری در شهر ارومیهزهرا فرج زاده; محمد معهود; فرهاد سعیدی; مهدی نریمان پور صالحی
9783319712123.pdf.jpg2018Payday Lending in Canada in a Global ContextBuckland, Jerry. ;; Robinson, Chris. ;; Spotton Visano, Brenda. ;
9781484234297.pdf.jpg2018Objective-C for Absolute BeginnersKaczmarek, Stefan. ; author. ;; Lees, Brad. ; author. ;; Bennett, Gary. ; author. ;; Fisher, Mitch. ; author. ;
9783319623405.pdf.jpg2017The first export era revisitedLatin America ; Economic conditions ;; Latin America ; Commerce ;; Kuntz Ficker, Sandra, ; editor ;
9783319735009.pdf.jpg2018Arabic Language Processing: From Theory to Practice : 6th International Conference, ICALP 2017, Fez, Morocco, October 1112, 2017, Proceedings / edited by Abdelmonaime Lachkar, Karim Bouzoubaa, Azzedine Mazroui, Abdelfettah Hamdani, Abdelhak Lekhouaja.-
9783319705811.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing II : Selected Papers from the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017, September 5-8 Lviv, Ukraine / edited by Natalia Shakhovska, Volodymyr Stepashko.-
9783030105549.pdf.jpg2019Real-time & stream data management :-