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Results 1711-1720 of 4843 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319668543.pdf.jpg2017Model and data engineering :MEDI (Conference) ; (7th : ; 2017 : ; Barcelona, Spain) ;; Ouhammou, Yassine, ; editor ;; Ivanoviee, Mirjana, ; editor ;; Abelle, Alberto ; (Computer scientist), ; editor ;; Bellatreche, Ladjel, ; 1968- ; editor ;
9783319657653.pdf.jpg2017Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems :FORMATS (Conference) ; (15th : ; 2017 : ; Berlin, Germany) ;; Abate, Alessandro, ; editor ;; Geeraerts, Gilles, ; editor ;
9783319586670.pdf.jpg2017High Performance ComputingKunkel, Julian M. ;; Yokota, Rio. ;; Balaji, Pavan. ;; Keyes, David. ;
9783030035914.pdf.jpg2018Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and ExperimentsPiskac. ;; Hofmann
9783030037444.pdf.jpg2019Recent advances in intelligent information hiding and multimedia signal processing.-
9781484231357.pdf.jpg2017The Biml BookLeonard, Andy. ;; Currie, Scott. ;; Alley, Jacob. ;; Andersson, Martin. ;; Avenant, Peter. ;; Fellows, Bill. ;; Peck, Simon. ;; Smith, Reeves. ;; Sondak, Raymond. ;; Weissman, Benjamin. ;; Wilhelmsen, Cathrine. ;
9783319713687.pdf.jpg2017Critical information infrastructure security :CRITIS (Workshop) ; (11th : ; 2016 : ; Paris, France) ;; Havarneanu, Grigore. ; editor ;; Setola, Roberto. ; editor ;; Nassopoulos, Hypatia. ; editor ;; Wolthusen, Stephen. ; editor ;
9783319618135.pdf.jpg2017Smart grid inspired future technologies :SmartGIFT (Conference) ; (2nd : ; 2017 : ; London, England) ;; Lau, Eng Tseng, ; editor ;; Chai, Michael K. K. ; editor ;; Chen, Yue, ; editor ;; Jung, Oliver, ; editor ;; Leung, Victor Chung Ming, ; 1955- ; editor ;; Yang, Kun, ; editor ;; Bessler, Sandford, ; editor ;; Loo, Jonathan, ; editor ;; Nakayama, Tomonori, ; editor ;
9789811064630.pdf.jpg2017Modeling, design and simulation of systems :Asia Simulation Conference ; (17th : ; 2017 : ; Malacca, Malaysia) ;; Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Sultan, ; editor ;; Wahid, Herman, ; editor ;; Mohd Subha, Nurul Adilla, ; editor ;; Sahlan, Shafishuhaza, ; editor ;; Md. Yunus, Mohd Amri, ; editor ;; Wahap, Ahmad Ridhwan, ; editor ;
9781948306393.pdf.jpg2018Codification of Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements, January 2018AICPA Staff