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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 939
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
UTCONF01_013.pdf.jpg1395ارزيابی چالشهای امنيتی رايانش ابری در فضای تبادل اطلاعاتسمیرا قناعت; سوگل ربیعی ساوجی; علیرضا جهانی
9783319674254.pdf.jpg2017Present and ulterior software engineering /Mazzara, Manuel, ; editor ;; Meyer, Bertrand, ; 1950- ; editor ;
9783319780542.pdf.jpg2018Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsWyrzykowski, Roman. ; editor. ;; Dongarra, Jack. ; editor. ;; Deelman, Ewa. ; editor. ;; Karczewski, Konrad. ; editor. ;
9783319633909.pdf.jpg2017Computer aided cerification :CAV (Conference) ; (29th : ; 2017 : ; Heidelberg, Germany) ;; Majumdar, Rupak, ; editor ;; Kuncak, Viktor, ; editor ;
9781484233818.pdf.jpg2018Pro iPhone Development with Swift 4Maskrey, Molly, ; author. ;; Wang, Wally, ; author. ;
9783319682822.pdf.jpg2017Information search, integration, and personlization :ISIP (Workshop) ; (11th : ; 2016 : ; Lyon, France) ;; Kotzinos, Dimitris, ; editor ;; Laurent, Dominique, ; editor ;; Petit, Jean-Marc, ; editor ;; Spyratos, Nicolas, ; editor ;; Tanaka, Y. ; (Yuzuru), ; editor ;
9783319617565.pdf.jpg2017Job scheduling strategies for parallel processing :JSSPP (Workshop) ; (19th : ; 2015 : ; Hyderabad, India) ;; JSSPP (Workshop) ; (20th : ; 2016 : ; Chicago, Ill.) ;; Desai, Narayan ; (Narayan L.), ; editor ;; Cirne, Walfredo, ; editor ;
9783319675497.pdf.jpg2017Testing software and systems :ICTSS (Conference) ; (29th : ; 2017 : ; Saint Petersburg, Russia) ;; Yevtushenko, Nina, ; editor ;; Cavalli, Ana, ; editor ;; Yenigun, Husnu, ; editor ;
9783319635019.pdf.jpg2017Numerical software verification :NSV (Workshop) ; (10th : ; 2017 : ; Heidelberg, Germany) ;; Abate, Alessandro, ; editor ;; Boldo, Sylvie, ; editor ;
9781484227695.pdf.jpg2017Beginning Windows Mixed Reality ProgrammingOng, Sean. ;
9781484228081.pdf.jpg2017Pro Spring 5Cosmina, Iuliana. ;; Harrop, Rob. ;; Schaefer, Chris. ;; Ho, Clarence. ;
9783319446844.pdf.jpg2017Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization IVCarr, Hamish. ;; Garth, Christoph. ;; Weinkauf, Tino. ;
9781484229859.pdf.jpg2017Pro Java Clustering and ScalabilityAcetozi, Jorge. ;
9783319624266.pdf.jpg2017Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale ComputingSakurai, Tetsuya ;
9783319629322.pdf.jpg2017Parallel computing technologies :International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies ; (14th : ; 2017 : ; Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) ;; Malyshkin, V. ee. ; (Viktor eemmanuilovich), ; editor ;
9783319684772.pdf.jpg2017Organic Computing Technical Systems for Survival in the Real World-
9781484225684.pdf.jpg2017Business Intelligence Tools for Small CompaniesNogues, Albert. ;; Valladares, Juan. ;
9783319454382.pdf.jpg2017Dynamics of Long-Life AssetsGresser, Stefan N. ;; Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio. ;; Granholm, Geran. ;
9783319686707.pdf.jpg2017String Analysis for Software Verification and SecurityBultan, Tevfik ;
9783319676425.pdf.jpg2017Information and software technologies :ICIST (Conference) ; (23rd : ; 2017 : ; Druskininkai, Lithuania) ;; Damaeeevieeius, Robertas, ; editor ;; Mikaeeytee, Vilma, ; editor ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 939
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