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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 661 to 680 of 939
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PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9781484231418.pdf.jpg2018PySpark Recipes : A Problem-Solution Approach with PySpark2 / by Raju Kumar Mishra.Mishra, Raju Kumar. author. ;
9781484233993.pdf.jpg2018CSS Framework AlternativesShenoy, Aravind. ; author. ;; Prabhu, Anirudh. ; author. ;
9781484233542.pdf.jpg2018Propeller ProgrammingAnandakrishnan, Sridhar. ; author. ;
9783319720388.pdf.jpg2017Intelligent human computer interaction :International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction ; (9th : ; 2017 : ; Evry, France) ;; Horain, Patrick, ; editor ;; Achard, Catherine, ; editor ;; Mallem, Malik, ; editor ;
9783319676876.pdf.jpg2017Human-computer interaction -- INTERACT 2017 :International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (International Federation for Information Processing) ; (16th : ; 2017 : ; Mumbai, India) ;; Bernhaupt, Regina; Dalvi, Girish; Joshi, Anirudha,; Balkrishan, Devanuj K; O'Neill, Jacki, ; editor ;; Winckler, Marco, ; editor ;
9783319677446.pdf.jpg2017Human-computer interaction -- INTERACT 2017 :International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (International Federation for Information Processing) ; (16th : ; 2017 : ; Mumbai, India) ;; Bernhaupt, Regina; Dalvi, Girish; Joshi, Anirudha,; Balkrishan, Devanuj K; O'Neill, Jacki, ; editor ;; Winckler, Marco, ; editor ;
9783319587530.pdf.jpg2017HCI International 2017 - Posters' Extended Abstracts :International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ; (19th : ; 2017 : ; Vancouver, B.C.) ;; Stephanidis, Constantine. ; editor ;
9781484233900.pdf.jpg2018The Definitive Guide to AdonisJsPitt, Christopher. ; author. ;
9783319778181.pdf.jpg2018Context-Aware Systems and Applications, and Nature of Computation and CommunicationCong Vinh, Phan. ; editor. ;; Ha Huy Cuong, Nguyen. ; editor. ;; Vassev, Emil. ; editor. ;
9781484223161.pdf.jpg2017Beginning Microsoft Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0Rahman, Mansib. ;
9781484234327.pdf.jpg2018Building Intelligent SystemsHulten, Geoff. ; author. ;
9783319585598.pdf.jpg2017Social Computing and Social Media. Human BehaviorMeiselwitz, Gabriele. ;
9783319723235.pdf.jpg2017Virtual reality and augmented reality :EuroVR (Conference) ; (14th : ; 2017 : ; Laval, France) ;; Barbiee, Jernej, ; 1976- ; editor ;; D'Cruz, Mirabelle, ; editor ;; Latoschik, Marc Erich, ; editor ;; Slater, Mel, ; editor ;; Bourdot, Patrick, ; editor ;
9781484232880.pdf.jpg2018Illustrated C# 7Solis, Daniel. ; author. ;; Schrotenboer, Cal. ; author. ;
9783319587066.pdf.jpg2017Universal Access in HumaneeComputer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches and MethodsAntona, Margherita; Stephanidis, Constantine
9783319680187.pdf.jpg2017Smart Homes and Their UsersHargreaves, Tom. ; author ;; Wilson, Charlie. ; author ;
9781484229132.pdf.jpg2017Pro Continuous DeliveryPathania, Nikhil. ;
9781484235195.pdf.jpg2018Modern API Design with ASP.NET Core 2Reynders, Fanie. ; author. ;
9783319585628.pdf.jpg2017Social Computing and Social Media. Applications and AnalyticsMeiselwitz, Gabriele. ;
9781484232071.pdf.jpg2018Practical Machine Learning with Python : A Problem-Solver's Guide to Building Real-World Intelligent Systems / by Dipanjan Sarkar, Raghav Bali, Tushar Sharma.Sarkar, Dipanjan. author. ;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 661 to 680 of 939
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