Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/1265
Title: Mathematics and Philosophy
Authors: Parrochia, Daniel. ;
subject: Mathematics ; Philosophy. ;;510.1 ; 23 ;;QA8.4 ;
Year: 2018
place: Hoboken :
Publisher: Wiley-ISTE [Imprint]
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Abstract: Annotation ; This book, which studies the links between mathematics and philosophy, highlights a reversal. Initially, the (Greek) philosophers were also mathematicians (geometers). Their vision of the world stemmed from their research in this field (rational and irrational numbers, problem of duplicating the cube, trisection of the angle...). Subsequently, mathematicians freed themselves from philosophy (with Analysis, differential Calculus, Algebra, Topology, etc.), but their researches continued to inspire philosophers (Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, Husserl, etc.). However, from a certain level of complexity, the mathematicians themselves became philosophers (a movement that begins with Wronsky and Clifford, and continues until Grothendieck). ;

URI: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/1265
ISBN: 9781786302090 ;
1786302098 (Trade Cloth) ; USD 165.00 Retail Price (Publisher) ; Active Record ;
More Information: 352 p. ;
Appears in Collections:مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات

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Title: Mathematics and Philosophy
Authors: Parrochia, Daniel. ;
subject: Mathematics ; Philosophy. ;;510.1 ; 23 ;;QA8.4 ;
Year: 2018
place: Hoboken :
Publisher: Wiley-ISTE [Imprint]
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Abstract: Annotation ; This book, which studies the links between mathematics and philosophy, highlights a reversal. Initially, the (Greek) philosophers were also mathematicians (geometers). Their vision of the world stemmed from their research in this field (rational and irrational numbers, problem of duplicating the cube, trisection of the angle...). Subsequently, mathematicians freed themselves from philosophy (with Analysis, differential Calculus, Algebra, Topology, etc.), but their researches continued to inspire philosophers (Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, Husserl, etc.). However, from a certain level of complexity, the mathematicians themselves became philosophers (a movement that begins with Wronsky and Clifford, and continues until Grothendieck). ;

URI: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/1265
ISBN: 9781786302090 ;
1786302098 (Trade Cloth) ; USD 165.00 Retail Price (Publisher) ; Active Record ;
More Information: 352 p. ;
Appears in Collections:مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات

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Title: Mathematics and Philosophy
Authors: Parrochia, Daniel. ;
subject: Mathematics ; Philosophy. ;;510.1 ; 23 ;;QA8.4 ;
Year: 2018
place: Hoboken :
Publisher: Wiley-ISTE [Imprint]
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Abstract: Annotation ; This book, which studies the links between mathematics and philosophy, highlights a reversal. Initially, the (Greek) philosophers were also mathematicians (geometers). Their vision of the world stemmed from their research in this field (rational and irrational numbers, problem of duplicating the cube, trisection of the angle...). Subsequently, mathematicians freed themselves from philosophy (with Analysis, differential Calculus, Algebra, Topology, etc.), but their researches continued to inspire philosophers (Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, Husserl, etc.). However, from a certain level of complexity, the mathematicians themselves became philosophers (a movement that begins with Wronsky and Clifford, and continues until Grothendieck). ;

URI: http://localhost/handle/Hannan/1265
ISBN: 9781786302090 ;
1786302098 (Trade Cloth) ; USD 165.00 Retail Price (Publisher) ; Active Record ;
More Information: 352 p. ;
Appears in Collections:مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات

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