مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار User interfaces and Computer Systems

Showing results 1 to 20 of 123  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319915623.pdf.jpg2018Advanced Information Systems EngineeringKrogstie, John. ;; Reijers, Hajo A. ;
9783319762692.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Computer Entertainment TechnologyCheok, Adrian David. ;; Inami, Masahiko. ;; Romeo, Teresa. ;
9783319604497.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and InfrastructureCharytonowicz, Jerzy. ;
9783319941981.pdf.jpg2019Advances in Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and InfrastructureCharytonowicz, Jerzy. ; editor. ;; Falceo, Christianne. ; editor. ;
9783319604916.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Usability and User ExperienceAhram, Tareq. ;; Falceo, Christianne. ;
9783319931968.pdf.jpg2018Affective Feedback in Intelligent Tutoring SystemsJimenez, Samantha. ;; Jueerez-Ramerez, Reyes. ;; Castillo, Victor H. ;; Tapia Armenta, Juan Jose. ;
9783319581217.pdf.jpg2017Art, Design and Technology: Collaboration and ImplementationEarnshaw, Rae. ;
9783319586250.pdf.jpg2017Augmented Cognition. Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Complex Human EnvironmentsSchmorrow, Dylan, ; 1967- ;; Fidopiastis, Cali M
9783319586281.pdf.jpg2017Augmented Cognition. Neurocognition and Machine LearningSchmorrow, Dylan, ; 1967- ;; Fidopiastis, Cali M
9783319914695.pdf.jpg2018Augmented Cognition: Intelligent TechnologiesSchmorrow, Dylan D. ;; Fidopiastis, Cali M
9783319914664.pdf.jpg2018Augmented Cognition: Users and ContextsSchmorrow, Dylan D. ;; Fidopiastis, Cali M
2017Augmented RealityPeddie, Jon. ;
9783319699325.pdf.jpg2018Augmented Reality ArtGeroimenko, Vladimir. ; editor. ;
9783319571324.pdf.jpg2017Brain-Computer Interface ResearchGuger, Christoph. ;; Allison, Brendan. ;; Ushiba, Junichi. ;
9783319750286.pdf.jpg2018Breaking Down BarriersLangdon, Pat. ; editor. ;; Lazar, Jonathan. ; editor. ;; Heylighen, Ann. ; editor. ;; Dong, Hua. ; editor. ;
9783319565323.pdf.jpg2017Building an Intuitive Multimodal Interface for a Smart HomeBrown, John N.A. ;; Fercher, Anton Josef. ;; Leitner, Gerhard. ;
9783319630885.pdf.jpg2017Collaboration Technologies and Social ComputingCollabTech (Conference) ; (9th : ; 2017 : ; Saskatoon, Sask.) ;; Yoshino, Takashi, ; editor ;; Yuizono, Takaya, ; editor ;; Zurita, Gustavo, ; editor ;; Vassileva, Julita, ; editor ;
9783319775838.pdf.jpg2018Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and DesignLiapis, Antonios. ; editor. ;; Romero Cardalda, Juan Jesús. ; editor. ;; Ekárt, Anikó. ; editor. ;
9783319905594.pdf.jpg2018Computer Simulations of Space SocietiesBainbridge, William Sims. ;
9783319942735.pdf.jpg2018Computers Helping People with Special NeedsMiesenberger, Klaus. ;; Kouroupetroglou, Georgios. ;