مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Theory of Computation. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783662555644.pdf.jpg2018Computational ArtifactsTurner, Raymond. ;
9783319658247.pdf.jpg2018Computational MatterStepney, Susan. ;; Rasmussen, Steen. ;; Amos, Martyn. ;
9783319937007.pdf.jpg2018Computational Science ee ICCS 2018Shi, Yong. ;; Fu, Haohuan. ;; Tian, Yingjie. ;; Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V. ;; Lees, Michael Harold. ;; Dongarra, Jack. ;; Sloot, Peter M. A. ;
9783319591445.pdf.jpg2017Designing the Digital TransformationMaedche, Alexander. ;; vom Brocke, Jan. ;; Hevner, Alan. ;
9783319955810.pdf.jpg2018Formal MethodsHavelund, Klaus. ;; Peleska, Jan. ;; Roscoe, Bill. ;; de Vink, Erik. ;
9783319893631.pdf.jpg2018Fundamental Approaches to Software EngineeringRusso, Alessandra. ;; Scherr, Andy. ;
9783319105741.pdf.jpg2018Handbook of Model CheckingClarke, Edmund M. ;; Henzinger, Thomas A. ;; Veith, Helmut. ;; Bloem, Roderick. ;
9783319436692.pdf.jpg2017The IncomputableCooper, S. Barry. ;; Soskova, Mariya I. ;
9783319965611.pdf.jpg2018Machine Learning for Dynamic Software Analysis: Potentials and LimitsBennaceur, Amel. ;; Hehnle, Reiner. ;; Meinke, Karl. ;
9783319683973.pdf.jpg2018Mathematical Foundations of Advanced InformaticsSteffen, Bernhard. ; author. ;; Rüthing, Oliver. ; author. ;; Huth, Michael. ; author. ;
9783319429007.pdf.jpg2017Models of ComputationBruni, Roberto. ;; Montanari, Ugo. ;
9783319897226.pdf.jpg2018Principles of Security and TrustBauer, Lujo. ;; Kesters, Ralf. ;
9783319555591.pdf.jpg2017Process Algebras for Petri NetsGorrieri, Roberto. ;
9783319898841.pdf.jpg2018Programming Languages and SystemsAhmed, Amal. ;
9783319944173.pdf.jpg2018Sailing Routes in the World of ComputationManea, Florin. ;; Miller, Russell G. ;; Nowotka, Dirk. ;
9783319933719.pdf.jpg2018Social, Cultural, and Behavioral ModelingThomson, Robert. ;; Dancy, Christopher. ;; Hyder, Ayaz. ;; Bisgin, Halil. ;
9783319929699.pdf.jpg2018Software Engineering and Formal MethodsJohnsen, Einar Broch. ;; Schaefer, Ina. ;
9783319577081.pdf.jpg2017Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and MethodLiu, Shaoying. ;; Duan, Zhenhua. ;; Tian, Cong. ;; Nagoya, Fumiko. ;
9783319941431.pdf.jpg2018Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing ee SAT 2018Beyersdorff, Olaf. ;; Wintersteiger, Christoph M. ;
9783319570488.pdf.jpg2017Tutorials on the Foundations of CryptographyLindell, Yehuda. ;