مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 36  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9781484223109.pdf.jpg2017Beginning Swift Games Development for iOSGoodwill, James. ;; Matlock, Wesley. ;
9781484230008.pdf.jpg2017Beginning Ubuntu for Windows and Mac UsersHaines, Nathan. ;
9783319791081.pdf.jpg2018Bidirectional TransformationsGibbons, Jeremy. ; editor. ;; Stevens, Perdita. ; editor. ;
9783319916415.pdf.jpg2018Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their ApplicationsKoroeeec, Peter. ;; Melab, Nouredine. ;; Talbi, El-Ghazali. ;
9789811307546.pdf.jpg2018Computing, Analytics and NetworksSharma, Rajnish. ;; Mantri, Archana. ;; Dua, Sumeet. ;
9783319914558.pdf.jpg2018Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsLiu, Chengfei. ;; Zou, Lei. ;; Li, Jianxin. ;
9783319893662.pdf.jpg2018Foundations of Software Science and Computation StructuresBaier, Christel. ;; Dal Lago, Ugo. ;
9783319105741.pdf.jpg2018Handbook of Model CheckingClarke, Edmund M. ;; Henzinger, Thomas A. ;; Veith, Helmut. ;; Bloem, Roderick. ;
9781484232880.pdf.jpg2018Illustrated C# 7Solis, Daniel. ; author. ;; Schrotenboer, Cal. ; author. ;
9783319937090.pdf.jpg2018Intelligent Transport Systems ee From Research and Development to the Market UptakeKoveeeeikovee, Tatiana. ;; Buzna, euboee. ;; Pourhashem, Ghadir. ;; Lugano, Giuseppe. ;; Cornet, Yannick. ;; Lugano, Nathalie. ;
9783319943695.pdf.jpg2018Internet of Things ee ICIOT 2018Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios. ;; Zhang, Liang-Jie
9783319965611.pdf.jpg2018Machine Learning for Dynamic Software Analysis: Potentials and LimitsBennaceur, Amel. ;; Hehnle, Reiner. ;; Meinke, Karl. ;
9783319971629.pdf.jpg2018Mobile Web and Intelligent Information SystemsYounas, Muhammad. ;; Awan, Irfan. ;; Ghinea, George. ;; Catalan Cid, Marisa. ;
9783319429007.pdf.jpg2017Models of ComputationBruni, Roberto. ;; Montanari, Ugo. ;
9781484235317.pdf.jpg2018Optimizing Data-to-Learning-to-ActionFlinn, Steven. ;
9783319790633.pdf.jpg2018Post-Quantum CryptographyLange, Tanja. ;; Steinwandt, Rainer. ;
9781484235393.pdf.jpg2018Practical Bot DevelopmentRozga, Szymon. ;
9781484230411.pdf.jpg2018Pro JavaFX 9Vos, Johan. ;; Chin, Stephen. ;; Gao, Weiqi. ;; Weaver, James. ;; Iverson, Dean. ;
9781484234839.pdf.jpg2018Pro PowerShell Desired State ConfigurationChaganti, Ravikanth. ;
9781484228081.pdf.jpg2017Pro Spring 5Cosmina, Iuliana. ;; Harrop, Rob. ;; Schaefer, Chris. ;; Ho, Clarence. ;