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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9789811071225.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Health and Environment SafetySiddiqui, N. A. ;; Tauseef, S. M. ;; Bansal, Kamal. ;
9789811071973.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Structural IntegrityPrakash, Raghu. ;; Jayaram, Vikram. ;; Saxena, A. ; (Ashok) ;
9783319580067.pdf.jpg2017The Analysis of Nuclear Materials and Their EnvironmentsDegueldre, Claude Andre. ;
9783319738321.pdf.jpg2018Bridge Collapse Frequencies versus Failure ProbabilitiesProske, Dirk. ;
9783319738338.pdf.jpg2018Bridge Collapse Frequencies versus Failure ProbabilitiesProske, Dirk. ; author. ;
9789811066771.pdf.jpg2018Dynamic Modeling of Complex Industrial Processes: Data-driven Methods and Application ResearchShang, Chao. ; author. ;
9783319748931.pdf.jpg2018Explosions in Underground Coal MinesCheng, Jianwei. ; author. ;
9783319557441.pdf.jpg2017Fire Safety of Historical BuildingsBernardini, Gabriele. ;
9783319105741.pdf.jpg2018Handbook of Model CheckingClarke, Edmund M. ;; Henzinger, Thomas A. ;; Veith, Helmut. ;; Bloem, Roderick. ;
9783319329390.pdf.jpg2017The Illusion of Risk ControlMotet, G. ;; Bieder, Corinne. ;
9783319725413.pdf.jpg2018Introduction to Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake EngineeringCimellaro, Gian Paolo. ; author. ;; Marasco, Sebastiano. ; author. ;
9783642552489.pdf.jpg2017Load Assumption for Fatigue Design of Structures and ComponentsKehler, Michael. ;; Jenne, Sven. ;; Petter, Kurt. ;; Zenner, Harald. ;
9783319635873.pdf.jpg2018Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical SystemsPlatzer, Andre. ;
9783319548586.pdf.jpg2017Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3Barthorpe, Robert. ;; Platz, Roland. ;; Lopez, Israel. ;; Moaveni, Babak. ;; Papadimitriou, Costas. ;
9783319559445.pdf.jpg2017Modeling and Monitoring of Pipelines and NetworksVerde, Cristina. ;; Torres, Lizeth. ;
9783319562421.pdf.jpg2017Pedestrian Fall Safety AssessmentsKim, In-Ju. ;
9789811077272.pdf.jpg2018Relay Tuning of PID ControllersChidambaram, M., ; author. ;; Saxena, Nikita, ; author. ;
9788132237006.pdf.jpg2017Supplier SelectionMukherjee, Krishnendu. ;
9783319686257.pdf.jpg2018Technical Safety ee An Attribute of QualityKeller, Hubert. ;; Pilz, Wolf-Dieter. ;; Schulz-Forberg, Bernd. ;; Langenbach, Christian. ;
9783319732817.pdf.jpg2018A Technology Portfolio of Nature Based SolutionsO'Hogain, Sean. ;; McCarton, Liam. ;