مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Physics. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9789811039089.pdf.jpg2017Advances in Optical Science and EngineeringBhattacharya, Indrani. ;; Chakrabarti, Satyajit. ;; Reehal, Haricharan Singh. ;; Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan. ;
9783319652207.pdf.jpg2018Air LasingPolynkin, Pavel. ;; Cheng, Ya. ;
9783319628431.pdf.jpg2017Cooperative Interactions in Lattices of Atomic DipolesBettles, Robert. ;
9783319612614.pdf.jpg2017Evanescent Waves in OpticsBertolotti, Mario. ;; Sibilia, Concita. ;; M. Guzman, Angela. ;
9783319721910.pdf.jpg2018Experimentation Methodology for EngineersCoutelieris, Frank A. ; author. ;; Kanavouras, Antonios. ; author. ;
9783319755205.pdf.jpg2018Heterogeneous Ferroelectric Solid SolutionsTopolov, Vitaly Yu. ; author. ;
9783319595733.pdf.jpg2018Industrial X-Ray Computed TomographyCarmignato, Simone. ;; Dewulf, Wim. ;; Leach, Richard. ;
9789811064579.pdf.jpg2018Influence of Particle Beam Irradiation on the Structure and Properties of GrapheneWu, Xin. ;
9784431565734.pdf.jpg2017Multiphysics in NanostructuresUmeno, Yoshitaka. ;; Shimada, Takahiro. ;; Kinoshita, Yusuke. ;; Kitamura, Takayuki. ;
9783319658797.pdf.jpg2017Nonlinear Photonics in Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade LasersJumpertz, Louise. ;
9789811071492.pdf.jpg2018Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computational Mechanics 2017Nguyen-Xuan, Hung. ; editor. ;; Phung-Van, Phuc. ; editor. ;; Rabczuk, Timon. ; editor. ;
9783319524313.pdf.jpg2017Progress in Photon ScienceYamanouchi, Kaoru. ;
9783319563787.pdf.jpg2017Quantum Dots for Quantum Information TechnologiesMichler, Peter. ;
9783319652771.pdf.jpg2017Raman Fiber LasersFeng, Yan. ;
9783319670324.pdf.jpg2018The Science of BaseballBahill, A. Terry. ;
9789811078866.pdf.jpg2018Shock and MaterialsBatsanov, Stepan S. ; author. ;
9789811052576.pdf.jpg2017Single Frequency Semiconductor LasersFang, Zujie. ;; Cai, Haiwen. ;; Chen, Gaoting. ;; Qu, Ronghui. ;
9783319643168.pdf.jpg2017The Story of Light ScienceVanderwerf, Dennis F. ;
9783319567112.pdf.jpg2017The Theory of Laser Materials ProcessingDowden, John. ;; Schulz, Wolfgang. ;
9784431566182.pdf.jpg2018X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of Biological CellsNakasako, Masayoshi. ; author. ;