مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Optical materials. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319767413.pdf.jpg2018Europium MonoxideBorukhovich, Arnold S. ; author. ;; Troshin, Alexey V. ; author. ;
9783319612614.pdf.jpg2017Evanescent Waves in OpticsBertolotti, Mario. ;; Sibilia, Concita. ;; M. Guzman, Angela. ;
9783319581347.pdf.jpg2017GraphITAMorandi, Vittorio. ;; Ottaviano, Luca. ;
9789811043345.pdf.jpg2017Impact of Ion Implantation on Quantum Dot Heterostructures and DevicesMandal, Arjun. ;; Chakrabarti, Subhananda. ;
9783319595733.pdf.jpg2018Industrial X-Ray Computed TomographyCarmignato, Simone. ;; Dewulf, Wim. ;; Leach, Richard. ;
9789811064579.pdf.jpg2018Influence of Particle Beam Irradiation on the Structure and Properties of GrapheneWu, Xin. ;
9783319586137.pdf.jpg2017Light-Emitting Electrochemical CellsCosta, Ruben D. ;
9783319604213.pdf.jpg2017Long Afterglow Phosphorescent MaterialsWu, Suli. ;; Pan, Zaifa. ;; Chen, Runfeng. ;; Liu, Xiaogang. ;
9783319582689.pdf.jpg2017Multicomponent Silicides for Thermoelectric MaterialsTedenac, Jean-Claude. ;
9783319668482.pdf.jpg2018Nanocomposite-Based Electronic TongueTermehYousefi, Amin. ;
9788132237396.pdf.jpg2017Novel Bismuth-Oxyhalide-Based Materials and their ApplicationsGondal, Md. Ashraf. ;; Xiaofeng, Chang. ;; Dastageer, Md. Abdulkader. ;
9789811008092.pdf.jpg2017Optimisation of ZnO Thin FilmsNagar, Saurabh. ;; Chakrabarti, Subhananda. ;
9783319585741.pdf.jpg2017Organic Radical PolymersMukherjee, Sanjoy. ;; Boudouris, Bryan W. ;
9789811029578.pdf.jpg2017Photofunctional Rare Earth Hybrid MaterialsYan, Bing. ;
9783319555447.pdf.jpg2017Piezoresistive Effect of p-Type Single Crystalline 3C-SiCPhan, Hoang-Phuong. ;
9783319758015.pdf.jpg2018Polymer and Photonic Materials Towards Biomedical BreakthroughsVan Hoorick, Jasper. ; editor. ;; Ottevaere, Heidi. ; editor. ;; Thienpont, Hugo. ; editor. ;; Dubruel, Peter. ; editor. ;; Van Vlierberghe, Sandra. ; editor. ;
9783319614588.pdf.jpg2017Polypropylene NanofibersNayak, Rajkishore. ;
9783319524313.pdf.jpg2017Progress in Photon ScienceYamanouchi, Kaoru. ;
9783319563787.pdf.jpg2017Quantum Dots for Quantum Information TechnologiesMichler, Peter. ;
9783319489339.pdf.jpg2017Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic MaterialsKasap, Safa. ;; Capper, Peter. ;