مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Metallic Materials. ;

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319582054.pdf.jpg2017Additive Manufacturing of MetalsMilewski, John O. ;
9789811078927.pdf.jpg2018Advanced High Strength SteelRoy, Tapas Kumar, ; editor. ;; Bhattacharya, Basudev, ; editor. ;; Ghosh, Chiradeep, ; editor. ;; Ajmani, S. K., ; editor. ;
9783319663548.pdf.jpg2018Advanced Methods and Technologies in Metallurgy in RussiaSyngellakis, S. ;; Connor, Jerome J. ;
9789811046841.pdf.jpg2017Applied Metallurgy and Corrosion ControlLahiri, Amiya Kumar. ;
9783319626598.pdf.jpg2018Best Practices for the Use of Simulation in POD Curves EstimationChapuis, Bastien. ;; Calmon, Pierre. ;; Jenson, Frederic. ;
9783319536163.pdf.jpg2017The Casting Powders BookMills, Kenneth C. ;; Decker, Carl-eeke. ;
9789811044496.pdf.jpg2017Discontinuously Reinforced Titanium Matrix CompositesHuang, Lujun. ;; Geng, Lin. ;
9783319745701.pdf.jpg2018Electromagnetic Metal Forming for Advanced Processing TechnologiesBatygin, Yuriy. ; author. ;; Barbashova, Marina. ; author. ;; Sabokar, Oleh. ; author. ;
9789811058851.pdf.jpg2017Fuel Arc Furnace (FAF) for Effective Scrap MeltingToulouevski, Yuri N. ;; Zinurov, Ilyaz Y. ;
9783319755205.pdf.jpg2018Heterogeneous Ferroelectric Solid SolutionsTopolov, Vitaly Yu. ; author. ;
9783319526898.pdf.jpg2017Metal Sprays and Spray DepositionHenein, Hani. ;; Uhlenwinkel, Volker. ;; Fritsching, Udo. ;
9783319672779.pdf.jpg2018Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Fracture Behaviour of an Electron Beam Welded Steel JointTu, Haoyun. ;
9783319570310.pdf.jpg2017An Overview of High-energy Ball Milled Nanocrystalline Aluminum AlloysGupta, Rajeev Kumar. ;; Murty, B. S. ;; Birbilis, Nick. ;
9789811057243.pdf.jpg2017Plasma Surface MetallurgyXu, Zhong. ;; Xiong, Frank F. ;
9783319535890.pdf.jpg2017Refractories for AluminumYurkov, Andrey. ;
9783319727127.pdf.jpg2018Stiff Extrusion Briquetting in MetallurgyKurunov, Ivan. ;; Bizhanov, Aitber. ;
9783319567112.pdf.jpg2017The Theory of Laser Materials ProcessingDowden, John. ;; Schulz, Wolfgang. ;
9783319725260.pdf.jpg2018TMS 2018 147th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings& Materials Society, The Minerals, Metals, ; editor. ;