مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Mathematics. ;

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319499963.pdf.jpg2017Active Particles, Volume 1Bellomo, N. ;; Degond, Pierre. ;; Tadmor, Eitan. ;
9783319665368.pdf.jpg2017Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative FinanceLondoeo, Jaime A. ;; Garrido, Jose. ;; Jeanblanc, Monique. ;
9781786302588.pdf.jpg2018Concurrent, and Real-Time and Programming in JavaBenmammar, Badr. ;
9783319547923.pdf.jpg2017Constraint TheoryFriedman, George J. ;; Phan, Phan. ;
9783319722719.pdf.jpg2018Emotion in Video Game SoundtrackingWilliams, Duncan. ;; Lee, Newton. ;
9783319722726.pdf.jpg2018Emotion in Video Game SoundtrackingWilliams, Duncan, ; editor. ;; Lee, Newton, ; editor. ;
9783319599939.pdf.jpg2017Fractional and Multivariable CalculusMathai, A.M. ;; Haubold, H.J. ;
9783319552392.pdf.jpg2017History of Nonlinear Oscillations Theory in France (1880-1940)Ginoux, Jean-Marc. ;
9783319511719.pdf.jpg2017An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal DynamicsBergers, Christoph. ;
9783319444796.pdf.jpg2017A Journey Through Discrete MathematicsLoebl, Martin. ;; Neeeeteeil, Jaroslav. ;; Thomas, Robin. ;
9783319654294.pdf.jpg2018The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and PresentGarrido, eengel. ;; Wybraniec-Skardowska, Urszula. ;
9783319551616.pdf.jpg2017Mathematical ModelingEck, Christof. ;; Garcke, Harald. ;; Knabner, Peter. ;
9783319568294.pdf.jpg2017Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network AnalysisKalyagin, Valery A. ;; Nikolaev, Alexey I. ;; Pardalos, Panos M. ;; Prokopyev, Oleg A. ;
9783319778006.pdf.jpg2018Network Data AnalyticsSrinivasa, K. G. ;; G. M., Siddesh. ;; H., Srinidhi. ;
9783319938264.pdf.jpg2018On Graph Approaches to Contextuality and their Role in Quantum TheoryAmaral, Barbara. ;; Terra Cunha, Marcelo. ;
9783319715834.pdf.jpg2018Operational ResearchVaz, A. Ismael F. ; editor. ;; Almeida, Joeo Paulo. ; editor. ;; Oliveira, Jose Fernando. ; editor. ;; Pinto, Alberto Adrego. ; editor. ;
9781484229330.pdf.jpg2018Pro Windows 10 Development with Xaml and C# 7Liberty, Jesse. ;; Galloway, Jon. ;; Japikse, Philip. ;; Hartwell, Jonathan. ;
9781493969692.pdf.jpg2017Recent Progress and Modern Challenges in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational ScienceMelnik, Roderick. ;; Makarov, Roman. ;; Belair, Jacques. ;
9783319446844.pdf.jpg2017Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization IVCarr, Hamish. ;; Garth, Christoph. ;; Weinkauf, Tino. ;