مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319912714.pdf.jpg2018Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and ZButler, Michael. ;; Raschke, Alexander. ;; Hoang, Thai Son. ;; Reichl, Klaus. ;
9783319916378.pdf.jpg2018Advanced Computing Strategies for EngineeringSmith, Ian F. C. ;; Domer, Bernd. ;
9783319942049.pdf.jpg2018Automated ReasoningGalmiche, Didier. ;; Schulz, Stephan. ;; Sebastiani, Roberto. ;
9783030010898.pdf.jpg2018Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisLahiri, Shuvendu K. ;; Wang, Chao. ;
9783319926742.pdf.jpg2018Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex SystemsBaetens, Jan M. ;; Kutrib, Martin. ;
9783319961415.pdf.jpg2018Computer Aided VerificationChockler, Hana. ;; Weissenbacher, Georg. ;
9783319948089.pdf.jpg2018Data Management Technologies and ApplicationsFilipe, Joaquim. ;; Bernardino, Jorge. ;; Quix, Christoph. ;
9783319602523.pdf.jpg2017Descriptional Complexity of Formal SystemsPighizzini, Giovanni. ;; Cempeanu, Cezar. ;
9783319913759.pdf.jpg2018Diagrammatic Representation and InferenceChapman, Peter. ;; Stapleton, Gem. ;; Moktefi, Amirouche. ;; Perez-Kriz, Sarah. ;; Bellucci, Francesco. ;
9783662577837.pdf.jpg2018Formal Grammar 2018Foret, Annie. ;; Kobele, Greg. ;; Pogodalla, Sylvain. ;
9783319900506.pdf.jpg2018Foundations of Information and Knowledge SystemsFerrarotti, Flavio. ;; Woltran, Stefan. ;
9783319929903.pdf.jpg2018Graph TransformationLambers, Leen. ;; Weber, Jens. ;
9783319948119.pdf.jpg2018Implementation and Application of AutomataCempeanu, Cezar. ;
9783319780894.pdf.jpg2018Inductive Logic ProgrammingLachiche, Nicolas. ;; Vrain, Christel. ;
9783319948201.pdf.jpg2018Interactive Theorem ProvingAvigad, Jeremy. ;; Mahboubi, Assia. ;
9783662576687.pdf.jpg2018Logic, Language, Information, and ComputationMoss, Lawrence S. ;; de Queiroz, Ruy. ;; Martinez, Maricarmen. ;
9783319944593.pdf.jpg2018Logic-Based Program Synthesis and TransformationFioravanti, Fabio. ;; Gallagher, John P. ;
9783319635873.pdf.jpg2018Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical SystemsPlatzer, Andre. ;
9783319924014.pdf.jpg2018Machines, Computations, and UniversalityDurand-Lose, Jereme. ;; Verlan, Sergey. ;
9789811074677.pdf.jpg2018Mobile Agent-Based Anomaly Detection and Verification System for Smart Home Sensor NetworkseUsemeen, Mueammad, ; author. ;; Muthukkumarasamy, Vallipuram, ; author. ;; Wu, Xin-Wen, ; author. ;; Khanum, Surraya, ; author. ;