مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Logic design. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783030003883.pdf.jpg2018Coalgebraic Methods in Computer ScienceCerstea, Corina. ; (orcid)0000-0003-3165-5678 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3165-5678. ;
9783319937007.pdf.jpg2018Computational Science ee ICCS 2018Shi, Yong. ;; Fu, Haohuan. ;; Tian, Yingjie. ;; Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V. ;; Lees, Michael Harold. ;; Dongarra, Jack. ;; Sloot, Peter M. A. ;
9783319996387.pdf.jpg2018Computer Algebra in Scientific ComputingGerdt, Vladimir P. ;; Koepf, Wolfram. ;; Seiler, Werner M. ; (orcid)0000-0002-0565-1334 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0565-1334. ;; Vorozhtsov, Evgenii V. ;
9783319992280.pdf.jpg2018Computer Safety, Reliability, and SecurityGallina, Barbara. ; (orcid)0000-0002-6952-1053 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6952-1053. ;; Skavhaug, Amund. ;; Schoitsch, Erwin. ; (orcid)0000-0002-0335-5443 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0335-5443. ;; Bitsch, Friedemann. ; (orcid)0000-0001-6152-4121 ; http
9783319999326.pdf.jpg2018Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and ApplicationsFeng, Xinyu. ;; Meller-Olm, Markus. ;; Yang, Zijiang. ;
9783319986531.pdf.jpg2018Developments in Language TheoryHoshi, Mizuho. ;; Seki, Shinnosuke. ;
9789811310256.pdf.jpg2018Embedded Systems TechnologyBi, Yuanguo. ;; Chen, Gang. ;; Deng, Qingxu. ;; Wang, Yi. ;
9783319751788.pdf.jpg2018Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing WorkshopsHeras, Dora B., ; editor. ;; Bouge, L. ; (Luc), ; editor. ;
9783319969824.pdf.jpg2018Euro-Par 2018: Parallel ProcessingAldinucci, Marco. ; (orcid)0000-0001-8788-0829 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8788-0829. ;; Padovani, Luca. ; (orcid)0000-0001-9097-1297 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9097-1297. ;; Torquati, Massimo. ; (orcid)0000-0001-6323-3459 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-
9783319916286.pdf.jpg2018A First Introduction to Quantum Computing and InformationZygelman, Bernard. ;
9783030021450.pdf.jpg2018Formal Aspects of Component SoftwareBae, Kyungmin. ; (orcid)0000-0002-6430-5175 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6430-5175. ;; eelveczky, Peter Csaba. ; (orcid)0000-0002-0708-3721 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0708-3721. ;
9783030001506.pdf.jpg2018Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed SystemsJansen, David N. ; (orcid)0000-0002-6636-3301 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6636-3301. ;; Prabhakar, Pavithra. ; (orcid)0000-0002-5368-3234 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5368-3234. ;
9783319991351.pdf.jpg2018Information SecurityChen, Liqun. ; (orcid)0000-0003-2680-4907 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2680-4907. ;; Manulis, Mark. ; (orcid)0000-0002-1512-9670 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1512-9670. ;; Schneider, Steve. ; (orcid)0000-0001-8365-6993 ; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8365-69
9783319947631.pdf.jpg2018Model-Driven Engineering and Software DevelopmentPires, Lues Ferreira. ;; Hammoudi, Slimane. ;; Selic, Bran. ;
9783319996721.pdf.jpg2018Parallel Computational TechnologiesSokolinsky, Leonid. ;; Zymbler, Mikhail. ;
9783319780542.pdf.jpg2018Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsWyrzykowski, Roman. ; editor. ;; Dongarra, Jack. ; editor. ;; Deelman, Ewa. ; editor. ;; Karczewski, Konrad. ; editor. ;
9783319780245.pdf.jpg2018Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsWyrzykowski, Roman. ; editor. ;; Dongarra, Jack. ; editor. ;; Deelman, Ewa. ; editor. ;; Karczewski, Konrad. ; editor. ;
9783319790633.pdf.jpg2018Post-Quantum CryptographyLange, Tanja. ;; Steinwandt, Rainer. ;
9789811308239.pdf.jpg2018Principles and Structures of FPGAsAmano, Hideharu. ;
9783319991535.pdf.jpg2018Quantitative Evaluation of SystemsMcIver, Annabelle. ;; Horvath, Andras. ; (orcid)0000-0002-8210-545X ; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8210-545X. ;