مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Industrial management. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319499383.pdf.jpg2017Advances in Through-life Engineering ServicesRedding, Louis. ;; Roy, Rajkumar. ;; Shaw, Andy. ;
9783319942131.pdf.jpg2018Business Modeling and Software DesignShishkov, Boris. ;
9783319784281.pdf.jpg2018Business Modeling and Software DesignShishkov, Boris. ; editor. ;
9783319584577.pdf.jpg2017Business Process Management WorkshopsDumas, Marlon. ;; Fantinato, Marcelo. ;
9783319665924.pdf.jpg2018Co-Designing Economies in TransitionGiorgino, Vincenzo Mario Bruno. ; editor. ;; Walsh, Zack. ; editor. ;
9783319506609.pdf.jpg2017Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0Thames, Lane. ;; Schaefer, Dirk. ;
9783319502779.pdf.jpg2017Design TheoryLe Masson, Pascal. ;; Weil, Benoit. ;; Hatchuel, Armand. ;
9783319609676.pdf.jpg2018Design Thinking ResearchPlattner, Hasso. ; editor. ;; Meinel, Christoph. ; editor. ;; Leifer, Larry. ; editor. ;
9789811047794.pdf.jpg2018Detox FashionMuthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan
9789811077722.pdf.jpg2018Diversity of Managerial IdeologyFoo, Check Teck. ; editor. ;
9783319750132.pdf.jpg2018Emerging Markets from a Multidisciplinary PerspectiveDwivedi, Yogesh K. ; editor. ;; Rana, Nripendra P. ; editor. ;; Slade, Emma L. ; editor. ;; Shareef, Mahmud A. ; editor. ;; Clement, Marc. ; editor. ;; Simintiras, Antonis C. ; editor. ;; Lal, Banita. ; editor. ;
9783319663708.pdf.jpg2018Finance UnleashedLind, Magnus. ; author. ;; Barner, Kelly. ; author. ;
9783662565094.pdf.jpg2018Fundamentals of Business Process ManagementDumas, Marlon. ; author. ;; La Rosa, Marcello. ; author. ;; Mendling, Jan. ; author. ;; Reijers, Hajo A. ; author. ;
9783319929002.pdf.jpg2018Information Systems in the Big Data EraMendling, Jan. ;; Mouratidis, Haralambos. ;
9783319665290.pdf.jpg2018Innovation for EngineersMehregany, Mehran. ;
9783319588018.pdf.jpg2017Innovations in Enterprise Information Systems Management and EngineeringPiazolo, Felix. ;; Geist, Verena. ;; Brehm, Lars. ;; Schmidt, Rainer. ;
9783319696973.pdf.jpg2018Personal Brand Creation in the Digital AgeGrzesiak, Mateusz. ; author. ;
9781137523495.pdf.jpg2018Product Innovation in the Global Fashion IndustryJin, Byoungho. ; editor. ;; Cedrola, Elena. ; editor. ;
9783319722368.pdf.jpg2018Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 3): The Executive SummaryStark, John. ;
9783319648347.pdf.jpg2017Responsible Innovation 3Asveld, Lotte. ; editor. ;; van Dam-Mieras, Rietje. ; editor. ;; Swierstra, Tsjalling. ; editor. ;; Lavrijssen, Saskia. ; editor. ;; Linse, Kees. ; editor. ;; van den Hoven, Jeroen. ; editor. ;