مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Engineering economy. ;

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319686196.pdf.jpg2018Advances in ManufacturingHamrol, Adam. ;; Ciszak, Olaf. ;; Legutko, Staniseeaw. ;; Jurczyk, Mieczyseeaw. ;
9783319499383.pdf.jpg2017Advances in Through-life Engineering ServicesRedding, Louis. ;; Roy, Rajkumar. ;; Shaw, Andy. ;
9783319724683.pdf.jpg2018Commodities Pricing and the Bulk TrapAndrn-Sandberg, Fredrik. ; author. ;
9783319742250.pdf.jpg2018Dynamics in LogisticsFreitag, Michael. ; editor. ;; Kotzab, Herbert. ; editor. ;; Pannek, Jergen. ; editor. ;
9783319507026.pdf.jpg2017Expectations and Disappointments of Industrial InnovationsHalevi, Gideon. ;
9789811319716.pdf.jpg2019Green CompositesMuthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan. ; editor. ; edt ; http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt ;
9783319712253.pdf.jpg2018Industrial Engineering in the Industry 4.0 EraCalisir, Fethi. ;; Camgoz Akdag, Hatice. ;
9783319721132.pdf.jpg2018Modelling and Intelligent Optimisation of Production Scheduling in VCIM SystemsDao, Son Duy. ;
9789811087820.pdf.jpg2019Organic CottonGardetti, Miguel Angel. ; editor. ;; Muthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan. ; editor. ;
9783319668642.pdf.jpg2018Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource ManagementMachado, Carolina. ;; Davim, J. Paulo. ;
9789811086120.pdf.jpg2018Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018Lokman, Anitawati Mohd. ; editor. ;; Yamanaka, Toshimasa. ; editor. ;; Lévy, Pierre. ; editor. ;; Chen, Kuohsiang. ; editor. ;; Koyama, Shinichi. ; editor. ;
9783319722368.pdf.jpg2018Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 3): The Executive SummaryStark, John. ;
9789811069918.pdf.jpg2018Project Management for the Built EnvironmentPheng, Low Sui. ;
9789811069925.pdf.jpg2018Project Management for the Built EnvironmentLow, Sui Pheng. ;
9783319935751.pdf.jpg2019The Role of Public Sector in Local Economic and Territorial DevelopmentFinka, Maros. ; editor. ; edt ; http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt ;; Jasso, Matej. ; editor. ; edt ; http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt ;; Huser, Milan. ; editor. ; edt ; http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt ;