مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Computers

Showing results 1 to 20 of 141  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319912714.pdf.jpg2018Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and ZButler, Michael. ;; Raschke, Alexander. ;; Hoang, Thai Son. ;; Reichl, Klaus. ;
9783319636887.pdf.jpg2017Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2017Katz, Jonathan. ; editor. ;; Shacham, Hovav. ; editor. ;
9783319938141.pdf.jpg2018Advances in Swarm IntelligenceTan, Ying. ;; Shi, Yuhui. ;; Tang, Qirong. ;
9783319933863.pdf.jpg2018Applied Cryptography and Network SecurityPreneel, Bart. ;; Vercauteren, Frederik. ;
9783319943602.pdf.jpg2018Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services ee AIMS 2018Aiello, Marco. ;; Yang, Yujiu. ;; Zou, Yuexian. ;; Zhang, Liang-Jie
9781484229491.pdf.jpg2017Artificial Intelligence for .NET: Speech, Language, and SearchPathak, Nishith. ;
9783319582740.pdf.jpg2017Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Towards Efficient Solutions for Data Analysis and Knowledge RepresentationKozielski, Staniseeaw. ;; Mrozek, Dariusz. ;; Kasprowski, Paweee. ;; Maeeysiak-Mrozek, Boeena. ;; Kostrzewa, Daniel. ;
9789811077623.pdf.jpg2018Big Digital Forensic DataQuick, Darren. ;; Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond. ;
9789811077630.pdf.jpg2018Big Digital Forensic DataQuick, Darren. ;; Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond. ;
9783319916415.pdf.jpg2018Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their ApplicationsKoroeeec, Peter. ;; Melab, Nouredine. ;; Talbi, El-Ghazali. ;
9783319597737.pdf.jpg2017Biomedical Applications Based on Natural and Artificial ComputingFerreendez Vicente, Jose Manuel. ;; eelvarez-Seenchez, Jose Ramen. ;; de la Paz Lepez, Felix. ;; Toledo Moreo, Javier. ;; Adeli, Hojjat. ;
9781484231104.pdf.jpg2018Build Better ChatbotsKhan, Rashid. ;; Das, Anik. ;
9781484234327.pdf.jpg2018Building Intelligent SystemsHulten, Geoff. ; author. ;
9783319926742.pdf.jpg2018Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex SystemsBaetens, Jan M. ;; Kutrib, Martin. ;
9783319586311.pdf.jpg2017Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex SystemsDennunzio, Alberto. ;; Formenti, Enrico. ;; Manzoni, Luca. ;; Porreca, Antonio E. ;
9783658219567.pdf.jpg2018Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious GamesLawo, Michael. ;; Knackfuee, Peter. ;
9783658219574.pdf.jpg2018Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious GamesLawo, Michael. ;; Knackfuee, Peter. ;
9781484236147.pdf.jpg2018Cloud Data Design, Orchestration, and Management Using Microsoft AzureDiaz, Francesco. ;; Freato, Roberto. ;
9783319943060.pdf.jpg2018Cognitive Computing ee ICCC 2018Xiao, Jing. ;; Mao, Zhi-Hong. ;; Suzumura, Toyotaro. ;; Zhang, Liang-Jie
9783662555644.pdf.jpg2018Computational ArtifactsTurner, Raymond. ;