مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Computer logic. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9783319912714.pdf.jpg2018Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and ZButler, Michael. ;; Raschke, Alexander. ;; Hoang, Thai Son. ;; Reichl, Klaus. ;
2017Application and Theory of Petri Nets and ConcurrencyAalst, Wil van der. ;; Best, Eike. ;
9783319942049.pdf.jpg2018Automated ReasoningGalmiche, Didier. ;; Schulz, Stephan. ;; Sebastiani, Roberto. ;
9783030010898.pdf.jpg2018Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisLahiri, Shuvendu K. ;; Wang, Chao. ;
9783319791081.pdf.jpg2018Bidirectional TransformationsGibbons, Jeremy. ; editor. ;; Stevens, Perdita. ; editor. ;
9783319961415.pdf.jpg2018Computer Aided VerificationChockler, Hana. ;; Weissenbacher, Georg. ;
9783319587479.pdf.jpg2017Computer Science ee Theory and ApplicationsWeil, Pascal. ;
9783319946306.pdf.jpg2018Descriptional Complexity of Formal SystemsKonstantinidis, Stavros. ;; Pighizzini, Giovanni. ;
9783319602523.pdf.jpg2017Descriptional Complexity of Formal SystemsPighizzini, Giovanni. ;; Cempeanu, Cezar. ;
9783319568416.pdf.jpg2017Engineering Trustworthy Software SystemsBowen, Jonathan P. ;; Liu, Zhiming. ;; Zhang, Zili. ;
9783319602257.pdf.jpg2017Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and SystemsBouajjani, Ahmed. ;; Silva, Alexandra. ;
9783319893662.pdf.jpg2018Foundations of Software Science and Computation StructuresBaier, Christel. ;; Dal Lago, Ugo. ;
9783319600741.pdf.jpg2017Grand Timely Topics in Software EngineeringCunha, Jeecome. ;; Fernandes, Joeo P. ;; Lemmel, Ralf. ;; Saraiva, Joeo. ;; Zaytsev, Vadim. ;
9783319948119.pdf.jpg2018Implementation and Application of AutomataCempeanu, Cezar. ;
9783319601342.pdf.jpg2017Implementation and Application of AutomataCarayol, Arnaud. ;; Nicaud, Cyril. ;
9783319780894.pdf.jpg2018Inductive Logic ProgrammingLachiche, Nicolas. ;; Vrain, Christel. ;
9783319948201.pdf.jpg2018Interactive Theorem ProvingAvigad, Jeremy. ;; Mahboubi, Assia. ;
9783319756325.pdf.jpg2018Lectures on Runtime VerificationBartocci, Ezio, ; editor. ;; Falcone, Ylies, ; editor. ;
9783319944593.pdf.jpg2018Logic-Based Program Synthesis and TransformationFioravanti, Fabio. ;; Gallagher, John P. ;
9783319924014.pdf.jpg2018Machines, Computations, and UniversalityDurand-Lose, Jereme. ;; Verlan, Sergey. ;