مرور بر اساس تاریخ انتشار Big Data. ;

Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  بعدی >
PreviewIssue DateTitleContributor(s)
9781484234495.pdf.jpg2018Advanced Data Analytics Using PythonMukhopadhyay, Sayan. ;
9781484234501.pdf.jpg2018Advanced Data Analytics Using PythonMukhopadhyay, Sayan. ; author. ;
9783319764719.pdf.jpg2018Applications of Big Data AnalyticsAlani, Mohammed M. ;; Tawfik, Hissam. ;; Saeed, Mohammed. ;; Anya, Obinna. ;
9781484233351.pdf.jpg2018Assessing and Improving Prediction and ClassificationMasters, Timothy. ;
9781484234433.pdf.jpg2018Beginning BlockchainSinghal, Bikramaditya. ;; Dhameja, Gautam. ;; Panda, Priyansu Sekhar. ;
9783319943008.pdf.jpg2018Big Data ee BigData 2018Chin, Francis Y. L. ;; Chen, C. L. Philip. ;; Khan, Latifur. ;; Lee, Kisung. ;; Zhang, Liang-Jie
9781484234327.pdf.jpg2018Building Intelligent SystemsHulten, Geoff. ; author. ;
9781484234952.pdf.jpg2018Business Case Analysis with RBrown III, Robert D. ; author. ;
9789811086748.pdf.jpg2018CABology: Value of Cloud, Analytics and Big Data Trio WaveUpadhyay, Nitin. ;
9781484233146.pdf.jpg2018Data Mining Algorithms in C++Masters, Timothy. ;
9781484235973.pdf.jpg2018Data Science Fundamentals for Python and MongoDBPaper, David. ;
9789811075155.pdf.jpg2018Data Science LandscapeMunshi, Usha Mujoo. ; editor. ;; Verma, Neeta. ; editor. ;
9781484235911.pdf.jpg2018Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 1Masters, Timothy. ;
9781484236451.pdf.jpg2018Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 2Masters, Timothy. ;
9781484235164.pdf.jpg2018Deep Learning with Applications Using PythonManaswi, Navin Kumar. ;
9781484230121.pdf.jpg2017Docker for Data ScienceCook, Joshua. ;
9781484235874.pdf.jpg2018Domain-Specific Languages in RMailund, Thomas. ;
9783319602547.pdf.jpg2018Highlighting the Importance of Big Data Management and Analysis for Various ApplicationsMoshirpour, Mohammad. ;; Far, Behrouz. ;; Alhajj, Reda. ;
9783319905952.pdf.jpg2018Information Management and Big DataLossio-Ventura, Juan Antonio. ;; Alatrista-Salas, Hugo. ;
9783319905969.pdf.jpg2018Information Management and Big DataLossio-Ventura, Juan Antonio. ;; Alatrista-Salas, Hugo. ;