Browsing by Contributors
Showing results 5033 to 5052 of 7224
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- Sureka, Ashish. ; editor ; 1
- Surendra, Maheswaran. ; 1
- Suresh Chandra Satapathy et al. 1
- Suri, Rajan ; aut ; 1
- Suriadi, Suriadi. ; 2
- Susilo, Willy. ; 2
- Susilo, Willy. ; (orcid) ; 1
- Suslov, Sergey A. ; 1
- Suzuki, Yasuhiro. ; 1
- Suzumura, Toyotaro. ; 1
- Swammy, Sarah. ; 1
- Swamynathan, Manohar, ; author ; 1
- Sweigart, Al, ; author ; 1
- Swierstra, Tsjalling. ; editor. ; 1
- Syed, Jawad. ; author. ; 1
- Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence ; (11th : ; 2017 : ; Philadelphia, Penn.) ; 1
- Syngellakis, S. ; 1
- Sypniewska, Barbara A. ; 1
- Syrewicze, Andy. ; 1
- Szabo. ; 1