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- Debts, External ; Brazil ;sh2008102094 ; History. ;sh99005024 ; 1
- Debts, External ; Mexico ;sh2008102095 ; History. ;sh99005024 ; 1
- Decidability (Mathematical logic) ; Congresses ; 1
- Decision making. ; 4
- Delay ، Cost overruns ، Waste of materials ، Building Information Modeling ، Infrastructure facility projects 1
- Delphi DEMATEL ERP gray theory Mutual effects 1
- Democracy ; 1
- Deposit insurance ; European Union countries ; 1
- Derivative securities ; 1
- Derivative securities ; Mathematical models ; 1
- Design and construction. ; 1
- Design, general. ; ; 1
- Development and Sustainability. ; 1
- Development Economics ; 1
- Development economics ; 2
- Development Economics. ; 2
- Development economics. ; 3
- Development Economics. ; ; 1
- Development economics. ;sh94005272 ; 1
- Development Finance. ; 1